Don't make yourself small. One who depreciate himself, is lazy. And one who
is lazy, sooner or later will be embittered.
Don't curse yourself if you have problems - it would be the
worst that you can do. Respect and love yourself in the right way. Arrogance,
for example, is nothing more than the lack of self-esteem.
There is no greater treasure than pleasure. Never compare yourself
with those who have more than you. Instead, look at those who have much
less than you, and see how many of them are there!
Your task is to be happy and satisfied. If you are not,
you don't fill up your mission as a man. How will you become happy? By opening
your heart. The first and decisive step in that way is to recognize that
your heart is closed.
What you really need in your life is feeling of self-worth. It
is the key to many doors of your soul. Through self-worth or self-esteem
you get the inner strength, which enables you to act decisively and permanently,
and that you can withstand that.
Using determination and persistence you will become successful.
Your self-esteem will help you that your success doesn't swells your ego.
Don't make yourself small. Don't make anyone responsible
for your destiny except yourself. Nobody but you can't change your destiny.
This is that divine in man, that he holds his destiny in his hands.
You are making yourself infinitely small. To fix a bad image
of yourself, on the other side you emphasize yourself in front of the
others. All together is so absurd, as some elephant would thought that
he's a mouse, and especially enjoyed to present himself in front of the
others as a small kitten.
God is not responsible for your destiny, he just continually softens it.
Don't think: "Basically I imagined it differently."
Rather say: "That's it. I imagined it myself differently, but obviously
God just fulfilled me a wish that had not yet come to my mind. How incredibly
friendly and carefully of him! "
There are no failures in life, only alternative whether you can get
useful conclusions from your experiences or not. Your mind is your destiny.
Reason estimates. Reason distinguishes between good and bad, useful and
harmful. Therefore focus it on God in order to derive real benefit out
of what you encounters.
Pessimism is directed against the life. God is absolute optimist.
Trust that He always wants only your own good, and you will experience
His blessing from up close.
Every man must feel responsible for the misery of the society in which
he lives. No one shouldn't shift responsibility to others. Everyone is
guilty who are not actively engaged.
Service to others is the best way not to waste your time.
Pay attention how richly talented you are. Only then you can
give from the heart. Only then you can openly treat others. Only then
you can smile even in the most difficult situations. Only then your happiness
is permanent. If you make yourself small, you necessarily get in the
struggles over power and in the strifes.
Don't try to shine with the result. The result rises but
doesn't connect. Evaluation of everything by the results will end in coolness
and envy.
Love that what you do. Do what you have to do with devotion. Your
mightiness will grow day by day.
One who can not love is not free - regardless of how he
feel or claim the opposite. Love is the breath of God. Love is God. God
is love. The love you feel for the others, love that magically attracts you
to your partner, it's just a reflection of God's love.
Patience and waiting are salt of life. Practice in patience. Learn how
to wait. Impatience is root of all negativity.
Patience is your teacher, time is your weapon. There
are no quick solutions.
Impatience is one of the main reasons for your worries and
And from what emerges your impatience? From the lack of faith and trust.
Don't cheat yourself. Don't go through what seems to be the simpliest
way, because it is certainly not the easiest way. Don't try to avoid any work
or effort, but watch on both as a gift from God, thru which you can achieve
Beware of the simple solutions.
The more evolved man is, the more modest he is. It doesn't mean that he can't
use the power and influence. He, on the contrary, who praises himself, shows
that he is far from knowing his true value - his divinity.
God has absolutely no desire. If He had one, it would be
that you become desireless. Desirelessness is not only the key to happiness,
it is the embranchment of bliss with both hands.
Activity that comes from the heart is not spectacular. Quite
the contrary, it is very humble. The so-called scientific knowledge loves
spectacle and uses every possible opportunity to praises itself.
Always be aware that you are embodiment of bliss. By dismissal
of desires you find yourself, because it is you what you're looking for.
Pride brings you exactly the opposite of what do you expect from it:
pride doesn't make you strong, but it weakens you in many areas.
Pride rises you above the others and makes you inaccessible. Therefore
love can not flow between you and others.
Fear is a warning signal that should be taken seriously. If you have fears,
you should ask yourself what are you doing wrong.
Desires cause fear and worry. Reduce your desires and your
fears will also decrease.
Love is the best protection against all imaginable fears.
Don't let your fears guide you. Connect with your higher self.
Ask God for guidance.
Depression is a widely spread disease, which should be treated very carefully,
or treated as quickly as possible. And what is the best treatment for this
situation? You'll hardly believe it: unless you find a good man who will
get you out of it, the best antidote is acute suffering.
Suffering makes you conscious. Depression is a state of unconsciousness.
Addictions are widespread. Addictions are the sign that individual is on
the way to disaster. First you smoke one cigarette, then 10, 20, etc.
At first, you are looking at a quarter-hour news, then 1, 2, 3 films ..
Understand this well: without attachment, not without relationship!
Don't let yourself to get into deep feelings before you
take time to think deeply about it. Don't let passion to be your goal,
but strive for love and inner peace. This doesn't mean that you shouldn't
have deep feelings.
What is the most important and also the most dangerous in your life?
The most important and also the most dangerous is your will. The will is
infinitely strong power which you can't never overestimate, and you should
never underestimate - although you often do this.
Why is the will so powerful? Because your will comes from God's Will.
Thinking is really horrible power. It can destroy your life, or it can
get you to Heaven. If you don't control your thinking, it will eventually
more and more controls you. So nourish only good thoughts. If you can't,
at least don't think anything bad. Try to observe your thoughts and don't
identify yourself with those.
All the feelings are in you. Nothing new comes in and goes
out. What you are experiencing, it just triggers the feelings that are
already in you. You are experiencing the joy and suffering, because what
is experienced on the outside, wake these feelings in you. So always purifies
your feelings.
With too many speech people lose very much of their internal
energy and spiritual power. One who loses inner strength, loses its value.
He who loses his value, thinks that he must compensate it with an activity.
One of these activities is when you speak too much.
Don't look for the negative, because you will eventually
discover it everywhere. Rather enjoy in nice and positive. It's not useful
to criticize others. Whoever criticize, he reduces himself.
Ego and mind make you a big favor on your path of self-realization.
Your ego, just like your thinking, gives you the ability to develop strength,
and to carry out your acts in your mind, before you start acting –
by which you can avoid many mistakes. All together brings you strength.
So you're addicted to both, and you would never relinquish it. Ego, however,
has a feature to grab the power for himself, and to rule arrogantly.
He is doing it so skillfully that you don't perceive that the ego more and
more force you to satisfy his need for power and glory. It is part of
God's love and care related to it, to protect you from your ego and his
Why you have your ego? To find your Self. And what are you
doing? You are letting the ego to leads you wherever he wants, like a dog on a
Gratefully accept every difficulty, because it is there to make you stronger,
to be able to endure more and more, and to make you more ingrown in your
primordial size.
The whole purpose of life is to learn how to love. Love
is life, and life is love. Suffering is a midwife who brings you to life.
But keep in mind: these words should help you to understand your suffering,
not to judge others because of their suffering. Because, one who judge
does not love, therefore, does not live.
Beware of the condemnation, they are almost always prejudice. Rather
admit to yourself that you know nothing. It makes you free. One sign that
you have reached your Self is the fact that you no longer judge, but only
observe. The more one is ignorant, the faster and more categorical his
judgment is.
No calamity, no matter how large it is, on the end doesn't
remain calamity, if you are therefore freed of your terrible enemy - ignorance.
this world there is no greater sacrifice than the inner strength,
there is no greater happiness than satisfaction, there is no more
sacred act than mercifulness, there is no more effective weapon
than patience.
Man is basically,
essentially, immortal. He is embodiment of immortality, and yet
he is afraid to die! He is embodiment of bliss, yet he complains
that he is wretch. The embodiment of peace, but full of anxiety.
This absurdly tragedy is the root of self-deception for which the
world now suffers.
The education
must include training of the human mind, his urge to hate, to gather
treasure, to fight and slander. It is not merely the acquisition
of skills with whom matter can be transformed into useful products,
not just the acquisition of information about the laws of nature.
Education must facilitate the process by which the man is using his
internal resources, his inner awareness, to realize himself. Education
should open his internal eye more than external, and internal eye must
discover God in himself.