Teal Swan - How to Activate and Open Your Third EyeThe third eye is a term we use for the sixth chakra. A chakra is a vortex point where the stream of consciousness of your higher self... what we call energy or prana, feeds into the human form. The physical body organizes itself around the blue print of your chakras and meridians. And the sixth chakra is located in-between and just above the eye brows. All though every chakra is involved in extrasensory perception, the sixth chakra is the chakra that is referred to as the seat of intuition. It is the chakra, which is associated with clairvoyance, precognition, out of body experiences, the ability to see auras, recognition, imagination, visualization, dreaming, perception and extrasensory perception. Because of this, the third eye, is the chakra that is associated most closely with psychics. In this episode, Teal shows us an easy exercise to activate our third eye.