Unseen ForceGeorge Soros: This Is World War 3! Depose ‘Mad’ Putin Now or He Will Destroy Civilization Klaus Schwab’s WEF Excludes Putin from ‘The Great Reset’ Khazars (Khazar Mafia) or Zionists, are Jewish bankers and politicians like Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Kissinger, Bush, Klaus Schwab ... owners of the planet. They are also behind the Holocaust, because they have no compassion for any nation. Other names are Illuminati, Deep State, Cabal, Consortium, Brotherhood, New World Order, Secret Government - Shadow Government, Antichrist, or Unseen Force, as Edgar Cayce called them. They are subordinate to the Jesuits (only 10% of the Jesuits are Illuminati, only their top) Some of the Jesuits: George Soros, Pope Francis, supreme General Wlodimir Ledochowski, supreme general Peter Hans Kolvenbach, supreme general Adolfo Nicolás ... Ukraine: The 2014 coup was funded by America with $ 5 billion (Victoria Nuland publicly admitted). America is building 30 laboratories for the production of biological weapons on Ukrainian soil (Victoria Nuland has publicly admitted). 50% of the population of Ukraine are Russians (or russian speaking). Donbass has always been Russian, Stalin gives it to Ukraine, although there are no Ukrainians there. Crimea was Russian for 300 years (Interview with Cobra from Russia), and in 1956 Nikita Khrushchev, a Ukrainian, gave it to Ukraine (because he spent his summers there), although there is less than 5% of Ukrainians. According to the signed agreement, the Russians should be able to use the only Russian hot water port Sevastopol in Crimea forever. In 2014, Poroshenko expelled Russia from Crimea, banned Russians from exporting gas to Europe, severed economic ties with Russia (it crippled the Ukrainian economy more), banned the Russian language, put Ukrainian Nazi Stepan Bandera on a postage stamp and built monuments to him throughout Ukraine. He gathers 3 pro-nazi battalions, which have been shelling Donbass every day for 8 years. The comedian (video from his presidential campaign) does not give up NATO membership (Finland and Sweden are neutral), although he was warned that it means war. In February 2022, Ukraine announces intention of the capture of Crimea, which should become a major NATO port. Most Westerners still think that Russia must not have national interests and that the Russian people must forever be humiliated. (The consequences of humiliating Russia) The arrogance of the West will
be sobered up in Ukraine (Lada
Ray - Predictions on Ukraine). President Putin asked Bill Clinton to admit Russia to NATO, later he asked same George W. Bush, but they refused. Russia in NATO means a loss for both the petrodollar and the American military-industrial complex. The Rothschilds cannot allow this even in a dream. George Soros has never hidden that “his main enemy is sitting in Moscow”: “I believe that European society does not react to Russia sharply enough. That’s why I’m trying to explain what kind of danger it really poses.” George Soros: From all his projects, he is “most proud” of his work in Ukraine
Organization of the Cabal