Vladimir Putin Vladimir Putin, since he took office, returned the entire
foreign debt of Russia. He annulled the privatization, and only has left
some small percentage to tycoons. He increased
five times standard of living. When Putin kicked out Nieslev (Rothschild
Zionist) and Bereshovsky (Rothschild Zionist) and arrested Khordokovsky
(Rothschild Zionist), he basically kicked the Rockefellers and Rothschilds
out of Russia. The Rothschilds have tried with Deripaska (Rothschild Zionist)
and Kasparov (Rothschild Zionist), but he also solve them. Benjamin Fulford: "Putin is nationalist who is fighting the Illuminati with all his might." www.davidicke.com/headlines/61886-putin-who-gave-nato-right-to-kill-gaddafiwww.davidicke.com/headlines/61883-putin-warns-west-over-syria-iranPredictions by Lada Ray |