At that time, the
creation of a new society will begin in Europe. The essential features
of the new society, which will be tasked with creating a new Sathya
Yuga, a golden age, will be the great personal freedom of each individual,
but linked and subordinated to his duty to care for the welfare of all.
The events that
happened until then taught people how selfishness and egoism are harmful
to the community. This new society will stretch from the west coast
of Europe all the way to the east coast of Asia, but it will be very
regionally oriented. People will decide on the things important to them
on the spot, without waiting for approval from some distant authority.
The new arrangement will guarantee external security and internal sovereignty
to all areas that will join the new Eurasian Union.
The economic basis
of the new society will be an interest-free monetary system, which will
be introduced and tested from the year 20## (the Arab banks do not
charge interest when giving loans, because the Koran forbids it; they
charge business expenses instead. The Holy Scripture also contains a
prohibition on charging interest; cf. Th. R.).
Likewise, a type
of energy discovered and researched at the beginning of the 20th century,
but not yet applied, will become the basis for the prosperity of this
society. This energy will be named after its inventor (here it is
very likely the so-called Tesla-energy: cf. Th R.). This energy
does not burden the Earth, as previously used forms of energy did. This
energy will always be enough. Its application for an individual will
not be associated with any costs.
Lands and properties,
as well as water supplies, will no longer be privately owned, because
it will be realized that no one has the right to appropriate something
that existed before him and that will exist after him. However, everyone
will have the right to call the house or other buildings, which he bought
or built himself, his property.
During the rebuilding
of Europe, but also in the Middle East, objects that are not of earthly
origin will be found. This realization will have a great impact on philosophies
and religions.
Time since year
20##. it will be the beginning of a new, spiritually oriented era; it
will be the beginning of the coming Sathya Yuga.