Mata Amritanandamayi
and Swami Maheshwarananda on departure of Sai Baba...
Dana Gillespie - Guardian Blue Angel Neka cijeli ovaj svijet Howard Murphet - The Lights of Home This divine work, among so many individuals over
the face of the earth, has already brought Rudyard Kipling's prophesy
true. 'East is East, West is West and Never the Twain Shall Meet, Till
Earth and Sky Stand Presently, at God's Great Judgment Seat.' The twain
are meeting East and West are gathering at the feet of God. But, does
this mean the end of the world as the poet seems to suggest? It certainly
does not mean the end of the planet, but I believe that it does mean the
end of the old world and the beginning of an entirely new one. In early
days, when there were not so many of us gathering at His feet, I have
heard Him say, "The Golden Age will begin before I leave this body."
He has said it since and He has said several times that the new world
will be ushered in before He leaves His present body. He has said it in
a quiet casual voice, as if it was nothing at all. But it is in this manner
that He makes all world-shattering announcements. He did not say what
year that this great change of the world would take place only that it
would be in the first two decades of this 21st century the beginning of
the new millennium. Testimony of the Modern Day Masters One of the greatest Saints of this century was
a woman named Anandamoyi Ma. (The name translates as
‘Bliss-permeated Mother.’ According to one of her closest
Western devotees, over the years she had often been asked, “Who
is this Sathya Sai Baba we keep hearing about?” But for many years
she never gave an answer. In the last year of her life, however, the question
came up again, and this time she gave the following response: “This
body will speak on this question only once; don’t ask again. Sathya
Sai Baba is the most powerful incarnation of God ever to come to the Earth.
And there won’t be another at His level for another sixty centuries.” Shortly before he left his physical body behind,
Paramahansa Yogananda was approached by one of his close
American disciples, a woman. “Master,” she said, “I
know you are planning on leaving your body. You must take me with you!
You are my God!” Mata Amritanandamayi (also known as Ammachi), Herself considered to be an incarnation of the Divine Mother, was once asked, “Who is Sai Baba?” She replied, “Avatar. Perfect from birth.” On the day after Sai Baba’s birth (November 23, 1926), Sri Aurobindo, another great Saint of this century, broke a long period of silence to announce, “Twenty-fourth November, 1926, was the descent of Krishna into the physical. A power infallible shall lead the thought, in earthly hearts kindle the Immortal’s Fire, even the multitude shall hear the voice!”10 It seems obvious at this point that his announcement of Krishna’s physical re-embodiment was referring to the birth of Sathya Sai Baba. Mother Krishnabai, the Self-Realized disciple of Swami Ramdas (the great Saint from Kerala), told her devotees, “Sai Baba is an Avatar, a full incarnation of Krishna. He is Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva together in one form!” She recommended they spend as much time in His presence as possible. Yogi Ramsuratkumar made it clear on numerous occasions that Sai Baba is an incarnation of God. He often asked visitors from Baba’s ashram, “You’ve left God to see this beggar?”13 (Of course, that “beggar” was himself merged in the all-pervading Consciousness; the beauty of his attainment was matched only by his humility.) Shiva Balayogi, another of the great Gurus of the last century, was once asked about Sai Baba. He replied, “Sathya Sai Baba is an Avatar.” Master El Morya and Master Kuthumi, two of the great Ascended Masters behind the founding of the Theosophical Movement, also declared Sai Baba to be an Avatar. According to author Howard Murphet, in the book “The Light Will Set You Free” these Masters have stated, “Avatar Sai Baba is carrying the Divine consciousness in the world today.” Sri Nrsimha Pranama Goel - Love will not produce tension