Conspiracy - Tom Montalk

Not everything is a conspiracy, but let’s face it: those who strive
for power are also those most likely to abuse it. The correct use of power
requires integrity and wisdom, virtues human nature doesn’t come
with by default; they are acquired virtues and thus quite rare. It follows
that due to this rarity, of those who gain power the majority will lack
the integrity and wisdom to use it correctly. And so conspiracies arise,
for conspiracies are nothing more than underhanded schemes of self-serving
individuals bent on gaining and maintaining power.
This basic observation has held true for thousands of years, and being
that power hungry individuals are also ruthlessly intelligent and persevering,
enough time has passed for the establishment of gargantuan conspiracies
designed to eventually give these madmen ultimate power over mankind.
This madness is not limited to human psychopaths, but extends to nonhuman
ones who have long set their eyes on dominating mankind. Toward this end,
there exists an ancient global shadow government still coordinating world
affairs from behind the scenes, running a script that through machiavellian
principles guides mankind ever closer to acquiescing its collective liberty
in exchange for security under global and cosmic tyranny.
Elected governments are false fronts coordinated by a global
shadow government:
- National governments pretend independent motives while enacting a
scripted version of world events
- The global shadow government, also known as the New World Order or
illuminati, consists of human elite directed by hyperdimensional forces
who seek total domination over mankind. These human elite are assigned
the task of enslaving the rest of mankind and then handing over control
to their nonhuman superiors. Because such individuals are hungry for
power anyway, they have no reservations about enslaving those beneath
- To consolidate this power, world events are scripted toward creating
conditions that rationalize the increasing removal of freedom and independence
from nations and individuals. Wars, civil wars, and revolutions provide
this catalyst. In the future, earth cataclysms and an overt alien invasion
will be used toward these ends.
There is no American government:
- Our elected government is a sham. Elections are manipulated to put
key puppets into office, and polls are rigged to sway mass opinion.
Politicans are blackmailed or bribed into serving the New World Order.
Blackmail comes via past activities they may have been tempted into
partaking, or else such politicans have been bribed with luxuries and
promises of further power, privilege, and survival in times to come.
- The majority of those who become politicans are corrupt. It takes
psychopathic ruthlessness to make it to the top of politics, and because
of networking and other factors, only those selected by the shadow government
ultimately make it to the top. There are countless ways of getting rid
of dissenters, from assassination to discrediting to blackmail.
- Tricks used by world manipulators include hegelian dialectics and
false dichotomies. Hegelian dialectics is better known as problem-reaction-solution,
whereby a problem is created to push people into accepting a rigged
solution. Incidents such as the Oklahoma City bombing, Columbine massacre,
and 9/11 attacks were engineered by the shadow government to justify
the further removal of freedoms from the populace to “keep them
safe.” Ultimately, liberty traded for security leads to slavery.
- False dichotomies are illusory choices, options that all lead to
the same outcome. The dichotomies of “liberal vs conservative”
and “secular vs religious” are false dichotomies because
each side leads to the same end result of ignorance and imbalance. The
political system relies on the illusion of two party choice which makes
people think they’re living in a democracy. There is no democracy
because mass opinion is swayed through media manipulation and rigged
polls, and there is no republic because the electoral college consists
of bought members who obey the shadow government. The most willing slaves
are those who think they are free.
- By laws not being enforced, people demand more laws to solve perceived
problems. These laws then pile up until one day all can be enforced
at once and create a legal form of totalitarianism.
Media and public education brainwash citizens into acquiescing
to corrupted authority:
- Public education is behavior modification designed to create worker
drones instead of capable individuals.This is done through systems of
reward and punishment, compartmentalization of the mind, preoccupation
with meaningless work, political correctness, and distortions of facts
and principles in textbooks.
- The media has no obligation to report truth, only to make money and
obey orders from the government. Thus they either appeal to the lowest
common denominator in mass consciousness and thus help lower mass consciousness
further, or else they report stories that propagate an agenda. News
is designed to emotionally shock and hypnotize the public into giving
up their self-determination and discernment.
The economy is heavily manipulated:
- Stock markets are rigged to provide funding for the shadow government.
What appear as random fluctuations in the market are instead planned
in advance, allowing the elite to retract their investments before a
planned downturn or crash. This pumping mechanism happens on a greater
economic scale as well, allowing the elite to periodically harvest wealth
from ignorant citizens who buy into the illusion of a free economy.
- The shadow government uses the Federal Reserve and the IRS as further
sources of funding. The Federal Reserve prints millions of dollars in
cash every year but pays only for the manufacturing cost. This fiat
money is then injected into the economy where people assume it has real
worth and thus do real work and create real products in exchange for
these worthless reserve notes. Normally this would cause inflation,
but what the Federal Reserve prints the IRS later takes out through
income tax. Because what goes in as fake cash is then taken out as real
wealth, citizens are shafted and the parasites of humanity grow fatter.
Why all the control?
- No self serving individual wants to lose his power. Control is necessary
for those in power to maintain and increase their power. Most manipulative
tactics are designed to make people predictable, and what can be predicted
can be controlled. To make people predictable, they must be deprived
of knowledge, physical and vital energy, initiative, willpower, and
individuality. All impulses that cannot be suppressed are diverted toward
serving an agenda, and as the saying goes, the road to hell is paved
with good intentions.
- Each self serving person serves higher self serving forces, and each
takes what they want from those they control. This turns earth into
a farm and prison. Lower forces want money, security, pleasures while
higher dark forces want spiritual power, energy, and conquest.
Secret societies:
- Human elite are characterized by superior knowledge and power. Depending
on how this knowledge and power is used, they can be of positive or
negative orientation. Secret societies seek isolation from general population,
either to protect themselves and work in peace, or to gain an advantage
by covertly manipulating the population.
- What characterizes secret societies is that they are elite, but not
all parts of them are necessarily elitist. Some just stay hidden to
better carry out their jobs. Past misunderstandings caused them to be
persecuted and so they have learned not to flaunt their presence.
- They either start out as elite groups intent on control, or positive
groups intent on preserving, refining, and sharing knowledge but the
latter inevitably become corrupted. This causes splits within those
groups whereby the positive parts go deeper into secrecy while the corrupted
parts join the dark hierarchy to manipulate mankind.
- Generally, secret societies such as Rosicrucians and Freemasons fill
their lower ranks by recruiting from the more successful members of
the general population. Fraternity and goodwill characterize these outer
levels, but often they are a control mechanism to keep positive individuals
from spreading their knowledge by making them take an oath of secrecy.
From these members, those with exemplary potential for darkness are
recruited into the upper levels of secret socities and placed into positions
of power to carry out the dark hierarchy“s agenda.
- Secret societies often consist of dualities. The dark half seeks
knowledge and power to manipulate others, and the light half seek to
protect this knowledge from misuse. There are battles between those
who seek to abuse knowledge and those that are destined to protect it.
These battles are often fought through the masses, who are blind to
their own participation in an invisible war.
- All dark secret societies are after knowledge that would increase
their power and ability to manipulate and conquer. This is achieved
by extracting knowledge from the general population, buying the brains
to do exotic research, scouring the earth for hidden knowledge and technology
from past civilizations (Templars and Skull and Bones are/were known
for this), channeling occult demonic forces for knowledge, and working
with alien hyperdimensional groups for their technology and thus serving
them in their agenda.
- Secret societies tend to contain concentrations of specific bloodlines,
particularly those bloodlines that have a greater portion of off-world
genetics, meaning those with closer genetic ties to alien factions.
This is because genetics and soul tend to correspond and influence each
other. It is why presidents have strong concentrations of royal blood,
as genetics ties in directly to soul nature and thus destiny. The same
can be said for positively oriented souls – they also tend to
incarnate into certain bloodlines, but these bloodlines are harder to
trace because divine synchronicity arranges their branching and merging
instead of arranged marriages as royal families are known to engage
in. |