Cassiopaeans about antichrist 16.10.1994. F., Laura, V. Q: (L) Can you give us your name? Q: (L) I would like to know what is the origin of the Freemasons? Q: (L) Can you tell us when the original Freemasons formed as a society?
Q: (L) Is Freemasonry as it is practiced today the same? Q: (L) So, there is a continuing tradition for over 7 thousand years?
Q: (L) Is this organization with a plan to take over and rule the world?
Q: (L) What is their focus? Q: (L) Of what? Q: (L) What is the Quorum? Q: (L) In what way? Q: (L) Can you get more specific? Is that changes to us personally? Q: (L) Earth changes? Q: (L) What is the relationship between this quorum and the Cassiopaeans?
Q: (L) Do they do this knowing you are Cassiopaeans or do they do it
thinking... Q: (L) Has there been an ongoing relationship between the Cassiopaeans
and this quorum for these thousands of years? Q: (L) What is the origin of the Kaballah? Q: (L) When the Jewish commentators began setting down the teachings,
was this the first time this had been put into writing? Q: (L) Is the form that it is in today very close to the original form
and can it be relied upon? Q: (L) What is the origin of the books of Enoch? Q: (L) What evaluation can we give the books of Enoch as far as level
of truth? Q: (L) In between what? Q: (L) What is the “expanded” present? Q: (L) Who was Hermes Trismegistus? Q: (L) Who is Pharoah Rana? Q: (L) In what way was Hermes a traitor? Q: (L) Who did Hermes betray? Q: (L) What acts did he do? Q: (L) What was his purpose in doing this? Q: (L) Is this the Brotherhood of The Snake Hermes formed in rejection
of unity? Q: (L) Who was the originator of the Brotherhood of the Serpent as described
in Bramley's book? Q: (L) Where did Moses get his knowledge? Q: (L) Okay, you told us before that he saw or interacted with a holographic
projection created by the Lizard Beings. Was that the experience on Mount
Sinai? Q: (L) Okay, well, if he got knowledge from you, did he get this prior
to the interactions with the Lizard beings? Q: (L) Are you saying that Joseph Smith, the recipient of the Mormon
texts, was deceived by the Lizards also? Q: (L) Why did it take so long for us to get a “good source” through
this medium? Q: (L) Who are the individuals are channel cancellers? Q: (L) Do you mean people we have had involved in our lives? Q: (L) Does it have anything to do with our activities? Q: (L) Does it involve other entities that have tried to come through
that have blocked the channel? Q: (L) Are they Lizards? Q: (L) Are there any exercises we can use to help our bodies transform
into fourth density? Q: (L) Does this mean that if we focus on soul development, that at the
time of transformation that our bodies will automatically be transformed
for us? Q: (L) So, if you are meant to transform, you will, if you are not you
won’t? Q: (L) Does this mean that when my body reacts to certain foods that
I should stop eating them? Is my body trying to tell me something? Q: (L) Can you clarify that? Q: (L) In other words, if we just do each day what naturally comes to
us as the best choice in each moment, we are on the right track? Q: (V) I find the information of transforming to the fourth dimension
very exciting and natural which is why I ask if this is going to be something
I will experience in the future excluding death? Q: (L) If, theoretically, an individual... I am getting a very unusual
feeling right at this moment, why? Q: (L) Is this happening to all three of us? Q: (L) Now, as I was starting to say, if, theoretically an individual
was to develop in a natural way by making all the proper choices, and
was to arrive at the point in time when the major transition is to be
made, would that individual’s body pass through into that heightened dimension
in a physical state? Remember, this is just a theoretical person... Q: (L) Now suppose this theoretical person were to pass through this
transition to the other side, what state would they find their body in?
Would it be exactly as it is now in terms of solidity? What would be the
experience? Q: (L) Does this mean that everybody will be different or that an individual
will have greater control over the substance and constitution of the body?
Q: (L) Okay, does this mean that sometimes we will be more of a light
body? Q: (L) Does this mean that sometimes we will be more of a firm body as
we have now? Q: (L) Will our bodies age differently? Q: (L) What will be the median lifespan? Q: (L) And will those who pass through this transition as, say, 50 year
olds, will they have an equal opportunity to live an additional 400 years?
Q: (L) Now, when you say 400 years, will it be that the plane has a different
orbit and that a year will be different? Q: (L) Will the days be different as to length of time light and dark
as they are now? Q: (L) But will the days and nights be different and will the orbit be
different? Will the axial angle be changed? Q: (L) But I like the sunshine and birds singing and breezes. I just
want to know if those things will be the same. Q: (L) Can’t you give a few clues? Q: (V) I had an experience with Preying Mantis beings. Who are they?
Q: (L) Where are they from? Q: (L) Are the Orions the bad guys? Q: (L) Well, what group do they belong to? Q: (L) Did they abduct me or what is the source of this memory? Q: (L) What did they do to me? Q: (L) For what? Q: (L) Why did the grays abduct V___? Q: (L) Has she overcome this programming? Q: (V) I had a dream about being a teacher and showing small children
how to use light and color. Was this precognition? Q: (L) Would this probability be within the next ten years? Q: (L) What is the meaning of the number 666 in the book of Revelation?
Q: (L) You mean as in credit card? Q: (L) Are credit cards the work of what 666 represents? Q: (L) Should we get rid of all credit cards? Q: (L) Would it be more to our advantage than not to disconnect ourselves
from the credit system? Q: (L) Is that an affirmative. Q: (L) Well, do you have any suggestions?
Q: (L) What happened to free will? Q: (V) It has always been my nature to rebel against that which I did
not feel was good for me. Is rebellion against this system possible? Q: (L) Leave the body as in death, croak, kick the bucket? Q: (L) If we were to move... Q: (L) We would like to move into the country. Will it be possible to
get along without this credit/debit card leading that kind of life? Q: (L) Are they going to have the kind of capability of controlling everything
and everybody no matter where they are? Q: (L) Even if we moved to Guyana and built a log hut in the rain forest
and didn’t bother anybody, we’d still get sucked into this thing? Q: (L) That is inexpressibly depressing. Do you understand? Q: (L) Will it follow soon? Q: (L) In the reference cited, Joan of Arc is described as feeling ecstatic
while burning at the stake. Is that what you mean? Q: (L) That’s small comfort. There’s other ways to die. Q: (L) What do you mean about Lewis? Q: (L) What do you mean “Challenge will be ecstasy”? What sort of challenge?
Q: (L) Several books I have read have advised moving to rural areas and
forming groups and storing food etc... Q: (L) We feel pretty helpless at the mercy of beings who can come in
and feed off of us at will. Do we have someone on our side, pulling for
our team, throwing us energy or something? Q: (L) Are you going to be able to assist us through this turmoil? Q: (L) Are you going to? Q: (L) If we call, can we get your assistance? Q: (L) Will we go through any periods when we may be cut off from help?
Q: (L) Oh, I don’t want to suffer! Q: (L) I don’t want anybody I love to suffer either. I don’t want any
pain. I’ve suffered enough! Q: (L) It’s not just that. There is so much disinformation you just don’t
know who to believe... I mean, how do we know we can believe you? There
are so many sources out there deceiving and they do it so cleverly. Look
at the Bible... for 2,000 years people have been believing that... Q: (L) I know you are supposed to take some things on faith... but, do
you see my problem here? Q: (L) What is my problem? Q: (L) In the recent past you indicated that chapter 24 of Matthew and
chapter 21 of Luke, were given by Jesus after his extended sleep state.
Now, both of those chapters refer to the present time as being like the
days of Noah. Is that a correct assessment? Q: (L) Well, the story of Noah tells us that Noah was told to build an
ark. Q: (L) Yet Noah built an ark. Was it true that certain individuals, whoever
they were, built boats or did things to survive that terrible cataclysm?
Q: (L) So, you are saying that if we do what we do because we enjoy it
that we will be in the right place at the right time, doing the right
thing when whatever happens happens, right? Q: (L) Are you saying that we will be led to do what we should be doing
and be where we should be? Q: (L) Am I correct in thinking that many people who think they are channeling
are just channeling earthbound spirits? Q: (L) Is it possible to channel dead people who have gone into the light?
Q: (L) Would it be possible for us to do this with other people present
so that they could ask questions also? Q: (L) Is S___ under the influence of other forces? Q: (L) Who? Q: (L) Is it acceptable within universal law to do spirit release work
on people without requesting their permission? Q: (L) Is it alright to do it without inquiry? Q: (L) Is it possible that we could be loading ourselves with Karmic
debt by sticking our noses in where we may not be wanted? Q: (L) Would it be better to not do this without request? Q: (L) Can one do a spirit release on another after asking the higher
self permission? Q: (L) Can one ask the higher self for permission to do a cleansing?
Q: (L) Do some people have attachments that are part of karma? Q: (L) Let’s go back to the subject of the beast and the number 666.
You say that following the enforcement of control by the Lizzies on the
entire world that the change is going to take place, is that correct?
Q: (L) How long following? Q: (L) Several prophetic works have said that this period is going to
last 6.3 or 7 years. Is that correct? Q: (L) On the subject of the 666, I was given an insight into this several
years ago as to another meaning of it, is that interpretation also correct?
Q: (L) The other parts of chapter 13... Verse one says, “I stood on the
sandy beach I saw a beast coming up out of the sea with ten horns and
seven heads. On his horns he had ten royal crowns and blasphemous titles
on his heads...” What does this verse mean? Q: (L) So, the ten horns represent units of value, so we are talking
about money here. What are the blasphemous titles on his heads? Q: (L) “And the beast that I saw resembled a leopard...” Q: (L) “And to him the dragon gave his might and power and great dominion...”
Who is the dragon? Q: (L) “And the beast I saw resembled a leopard...” What does the leopard
signify? Q: (L) “His feet were like those of a bear...” what do the feet represent?
Q: (L) Why are the feet like those of a bear? Q: (L) What nature this power center? Q: (L) Does this mean that Russia and the US are secretly united? Q: (L) Are these the Lizards? Q: (L) “His mouth was like that of a lion...” What does mouth represent
and why is it like a lions? Q: (L) Who is noisy and boastful and how is this going to manifest? Q: (L) The United States? Q: (L) “One of his heads seemed to have a deadly wound, but his death
stroke was healed and the whole earth went after the beast in amazement
and admiration...” What does it mean that one of his heads seemed to have
a deadly wound? Q: (L) The aliens will seem to be a deadly wound to the Beast? Q: (L) “But his death stroke was healed, and the whole earth went after
the Beast with amazement and admiration...” What does this mean? Q: (L) “They fell down and gave homage to the dragon because he had bestowed
on the beast all of his dominion and authority...” Who is this dragon?
Q: (L) And who is this Beast? Q: (L) “The Beast was given the power of speech uttering boastful and
blasphemous words and was given freedom to exert his authority and exercise
his will during 42 months...” Q: (L) “And he opened his mouth to speak slanders against God blaspheming
his name and his abode even vilifying those who live in heaven...” Does
this mean that this group, this beast are going to... Q: (L) “He was further permitted to wage war on God’s holy people and
to overcome them and power was given him to extend his authority over
every tribe and people and every tongue and nation...” Does this means
trials and tribulations of those who refuse to submit? Q: (L) “And all the inhabitants of the earth will fall down in admiration...
everyone whose name has not been recorded from the foundation of the world
in the Book of Life of the Lamb that was slain in sacrifice from the foundation
of the world...” What are “those whose names are recorded in the Book
of Life"... what is the Book of Life? Q: (L) The Book of Life of the Lamb... everyone whose name has not been
recorded... it is saying that the people who are going to worship the
Beast are names that have not been recorded... does that mean that there
is a supercomputer recording the names of those who do not worship the
beast? Q: (L) And who has this supercomputer? Q: (L) Who is this “Lamb?” Q: (L) “If anyone is able to hear let him listen: whoever leads into
captivity will himself go into captivity; if anyone slays with the sword,
with the sword will he be slain... herein is the call for the patience
and fidelity of the saints (God’s people)... “Who are God’s people? Q: (L) What does it mean: “Whoever leads into captivity will go into
captivity?” Q: (L) If they follow the leader they will become captive and if they
fight with the leader they will be killed? Q: (L) “Then I saw another Beast rising up out of the land; he had two
horns like a lamb and he spoke like a dragon...” What does this signify?
Q: (L) What does it mean that he had two horns like a lamb? A lamb doesn’t
have horns. Why does it say he has horns? Q: (L) And what does the lamb represent? Q: (L) What does it mean he “spoke like a dragon”?? Q: (L) “He exerts all the power and right of control as the former beast
in his presence and causes the earth and those who dwell upon it to exalt
and deify the beast whose deadly wound was healed and worship him...”
Well, it seems to say that there is a second beast that is different from
the first beast but you are saying that it is just another face of the
beast... Q: (L) Did you mean to say that God was another face of the beast? Q: (L) “He performs great signs, startling miracles, even making fire
fall from the sky to the earth in men’s sight..” What does that mean?
Q: (L) And what is the “image” of the Beast? Q: (L) What does it mean to have been wounded by the sword and still
live? Q: (L) “And he was permitted to impart the breath of life into the Beast’s
image so that the statue of the beast could actually talk and to cause
all to be put to death that would not bow down and worship the image of
the beast.” What does this mean? Q: (L) “Compels all alike, both small and great, rich and poor, free
and slave, to be marked with an inscription on their right hand or on
their foreheads....” What is this inscription? Q: (L) Is this going to be actually physically put on our bodies? Q: (L) How? Is that what the aliens do when they abduct people? Q: (L) How is it going to be done? Q: (L) By what technical means? Q: (L) Are they going to put these on our skins or imbed them in the
skin on our heads or hand...? Q: (L) Does that mean that you will have to place your hand on an electronic
scanner in order to conduct any type of monetary transaction? Q: (L) Okay, it says: “Here is room for discernment, a call for the wisdom
of interpretation, let him who has intelligence, penetration, insight
enough calculate the number of the Beast, for it is a human number, the
number of a certain man, his number is 666." What does this mean?
Q: (L) “Then I looked and Lo! the lamb stood on Mount Zion and with him
144,000 men who had his name and his father’s name inscribed on their
foreheads...” What does that mean? Q: (L) “And I heard a voice from Heaven like the sound of great waters
and like the rumbling of might thunder and the voice I heard seemed like
the music of harpists accompanying themselves on their harps...” What
is this voice from heaven and the sound like great waters and mighty thunder?
Q: (L) “And they sing a new song... No one could learn to sing that song
except the 144,000 who had been ransomed from the earth... you said the
144,000 are the leaders of the world bank and here it says they have been
ransomed from the earth at the coming of Christ... it says the 144,000
have not defiled themselves by relations with women for they are pure
as virgins. These are they who follow the Lamb wherever he goes...they
have been ransomed...” Q: (L) Are the 144,000 good guys or bad guys as we would term them? Q: (L) Are these human beings? Q: (L) There will be 144,000 people on the earth who have supreme knowledge?
Q: (L) Now, this 144,000, are we among that number? Just curious. Q: (L) “No lie was found to be upon their lips for they are blameless,
spotless, untainted without blemish. And I saw another angel flying in
midair with an eternal gospel to tell to the inhabitants of the earth,
every race and tribe and people, and he cried with a mighty voice: Revere
God and give him glory, for the hour of his judgment has arrived, fall
down before him, pay him homage and adoration and worship him who created
heaven and earth and the sea and the springs of water...” What does this
tell us? Q: (L) “Then a second angel followed declaring: Fallen, fallen is Babylon
the Great, she who made all nations drink of the wine of her passionate
unchastity...” Who is Babylon and what does it mean she has fallen? Q: (L) “Another angel followed, a third, saying with a mighty voice saying
whoever pays homage to the beast and permits his stamp to be put on his
forehead or on his hand he too shall have to drink of the wine of God’s
indignation and wrath poured undiluted into the cup of his anger, and
he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy
angels and in the presence of the lamb...” Q: (L) “Again I looked and lo! I saw a white cloud and sitting on the
cloud one resembling a son of man with a crown of gold on his head and
a sharp scythe in his hand...” Is that further additions? Q: (L) “Another angel came out of the temple saying with a mighty voice
to the one sitting on the cloud: put in your scythe and reap for the hour
has arrived to gather the harvest for the earth’s crop is fully ripened...”
Q: (L) Now, I have compared certain passages of Revelations to the work
of Immanuel Velikovsky, were those sections accurate in what they describe?
Q: (L) And those are events that will transpire after the Lizzies have
done their thing, after the Visa is in place, and before or after Christ
returns? Q: (L) So the cluster of comets is going to come before the return of
Christ?? Q: (L) Is there going to be massive disruption on the planet and maybe
a lot of people transitioning out of the body simultaneously because of
the interaction of this cluster of comets and the earth. Q: (L) And, shortly following this event, Christ will return? Q: (L) That is going to be part of the cluster of comets activity? Q: (L) What is Christ going to do after he returns? Q: (L) How many people are going to be on the planet to receive this
teaching? Q: (L) May we assume there will be six billion? Q: (L) You keep saying that the return of Christ is a part of the whole
as though there is some important thing that I am missing the question
to discover. Consider that question asked... tell me what it is I am missing,
please. Q: (L) And that is...? Q: (L) Is the transition to 4th density going to happen before the comets
or after? Q: (L) Is the interaction of the comets and the planet earth going to....
Q: (L) Is it going to generate this change in some way? Q: (L) It’s not going to have anything to do with electromagnetic interactions
which would heighten the atomic vibrations of the planet? Q: (L) So, the comets are going to make a mess of things and then the
transition is going to come as Christ comes? Q: (L) The transition will happen and we will all be standing around
glazed in the eyes or whatever, wondering what to do with ourselves, because
we are finding ourselves in a new estate we have not been in before, and
then Christ comes? Q: (L) Now, what is going to happen after Christ comes back and everything
is sort of straightening out and he is teaching... is everybody on the
planet going to be gathered together in one place to receive these teachings?
Q: (L) Is he going to travel around and teach? Q: (L) He will teach via the media? Q: (L) And we are still going to have access to our media, television
and radio and so forth? Q: (L) Are some people at that point in time or just prior to this transition,
going to leave in large groups with the Lizzies? Q: (L) Are there going to be large groups of people moving into domed
cities on the planet living in “cahoots” with the Lizzies? Q: (L) In other words there may be areas of Lizzie control on the planet
and areas under the control of Christ? Q: (L) Will the Lizzie people come out of their cities from time to time
and “molest” the followers of Christ from time to time? Q: (L) So, in other words, we will have a greatly reduced population,
people here and people there, none of whom are totally united on the planet?
18.10.1994. F. and Laura Q: (L) Hello. Q: (L) Can you give us your name and opening statement? Q: (L) Are you a discarnate? Q: (L) Why do you not seem to have as much energy as the others? Q: (L) Has someone of you been looking over my shoulder during the day
and reading the questions I have been preparing? Q: (L) Are you prepared to answer my questions fully and completely tonight?
Q: (L) Are you a male or female? Q: (L) Are all Cassiopaeans both male and female? Q: (L) Do you reproduce in anyway? Q: (L) Have the Cassiopaeans ever been in physical bodies? Q: (L) Okay, at any point in space time have you occupied physical bodies?
Q: (L) Are you talking about the simultaneous past present and future?
Q: (L) Are you part of the collective subconscious, unconscious, or consciousness?
Q: (L) Are you part of our higher consciousness? Q: (L) Are you prepared for my questions and to give practical answers
because you know I am a practical person. Q: (L) Would anyone else be able to answer the sorts of questions we
ask? Q: (L) You understand our frustration with a lot of channeled sources?
Q: (L) Our frustration lies in the fact that when a question is answered
it is rarely, if ever, answered succinctly, directly, or anywhere near
the point. Q: (L) Is there any such thing as racial superiority regarding the races
on the planet earth? Q: (L) It can be karmically determined to be born into one race or another?
Q: (L) Are the Aryan/Celts who came to this planet from the other one
that was destroyed, were they, when they came, in any way superior to
the humans already here? Q: (L) What was the nature of this superiority? Q: (L) Physical or mental? Q: (L) Well, blond haired, blue-eyed people seem to be somewhat more
delicate or thin-skinned compared to, say, the blacks. Q: (L) Which race on earth is the oldest? Q: (L) Even the Aryan/Celts from the other planet? Q: (L) Was there ever a time in history when Kantek, Martek, and Earth
were all three occupied by sentient races which communicated with one
another? Q: (L) Was there ever a time in history when all three planets were occupied
simultaneously? Q: (L) Why are there different races? Q: (L) Where did the Orientals come from? Q: (L) Did they originate on this planet? Are they native to this planet?
Q: (L) Can you determine my dominant genetic type? Q: (L) Is Caucasian different from Aryan or Celtic? Q: (L) In terms of being Caucasian, do I have any negro blood in me?
Q: (L) Who were the blue skinned people written about in the Vedas? Q: (L) Were the Aryans originally blue skinned? Q: (L) Why did the Vedas talk about blue-skinned people and why are there
blue skinned people in remote areas of the Appalachians? Q: (L) Were there ever any really blue people? Q: (L) What is the origin of the swastika. Q: (L) Were Adam and Eve attempting to obtain knowledge to free themselves
from bondage when they ate of the fruit of the tree of knowledge? Q: (L) But were they in bondage and trying to help free themselves with
the help of a benevolent “serpent”? Q: (L) Were they already in bondage to someone else when the Lizzies
came? Q: (L) Is the solar system sort of a giant atom? Q: (L) Could the orbits of the planets be described as energy ‘shells’
such as the shells occupied by the various electrons around an atom? Q: (L) Does the solar system, at different points in time absorb or emit
energy and do planets move from one shell to another? And, does the nature
of the solar system change what it “is” by adding or taking away bodies?
Q: (L) What outside forces? Q: (L) What is plane convergence? Q: (L) Is this going to happen soon? Q: (L) Is this plane convergence a phenomenon that occurs frequently
in the universe, galaxy or solar system? Q: (L) What is it caused by or manifested by? Q: (L) What is a realm border? Q: (L) What is the source of the legend of the phoenix? Q: (L) Who created the Lizzies? Q: (L) And who is this individual? Q: (L) Located where? Q: (L) Can you give us a little more of a clue? Q: (L) Is this a sentient, self-aware being that created the Lizzies?
Q: (L) Is this individual one of what you called the Transient Passengers?
Q: (L) Is it similar? Q: (L) And who created this Ormethion? Q: (L) Thought center of what? Q: (L) Who was it who appeared to Ezekiel? Q: (L) What do you intend for us to do with all this information? Q: (L) Any suggestion for title? Q: (L) Should we let it out gradually? Some of the information is pretty
heavy. Q: (L) Is there only one ultimate creator of the universe Q: (L) From the one what was the first division? Q: (L) Was this simultaneous? Q: (L) Was this what we refer to as the “Big Bang?” Q: (L) Is there any reference to this event in terms of time? Q: (L) Can we say that all that exists in the material universe is, say,
“x” number of years old? Q: (L) What is the true source of the brotherhood of the snake in terms
of human members? Q: (L) Were Adam and Eve real people? Q: (L) A group of people? Q: (L) What or who were these people? What country did they live in?
Q: (L) You mean this occurred at a time when realms crashed or crossed
each other? Q: (L) Did this involve a war of some sort between one group of beings
and another group? Q: (L) So, in other words, if it hadn’t been the Lizzies it would have
been someone else? Q: (L) Was this just sort of destined to happen? Q: (L) Is it just part of a great cosmic drama? Q: (L) Is the ultimate creator self-conscious and self-aware? Q: (L) These events that occur in our universe just sort of happen? Q: (L) Are there other universes besides ours? Q: (L) Are these other universes also spun off from “our” ultimate creator?
Q: (L) Are these universes countable? Q: (L) Are the numbers of universes limitless? Q: (L) Do universes ever crash into each other? 19.10.1994. F. and Laura Q: (L) Do we have anybody with us tonight? Q: (L) Who are we talking with tonight? Q: (L) Is it true that when we ask an individual under hypnosis about
an alien abduction scenario to try to tune in to aliens... can we do that?
Q: (L) Why does M___ F___ think that people are trying to come between
him and S____? Q: (L) Is M___ engaged in physical relationship with S___? Q: (L) Why did S___ just suddenly turn cold to everything and everybody?
Q: (L) About what? Q: (L) Because she backed out on the cream deal? Q: (L) Well, embarrassed in what way? Q: (L) Why did she stop contacting V__? Q: (L) Is S____ still having serious problems at this time? Q: (L) But they are not, is that correct? Q: (L) How does J___ W___ really feel about me and Freddie? Q: (L) In what respect? Does he think I am up to something? Q: (L) Am I? Q: (L) How does he feel about Freddie? Q: (L) Why. Q: (L) What are J___’s intentions toward me. Q: (L) Is he jealous. Q: (L) Is it because Freddie has a strong mind? Q: (L) I am asking you to help me out here. Q: (L) What is a karmic level 1 process? Q: (L) Are Freddie and I going through all of these things right now
to create some change in our state of being or our living... Q: (L) Have we been through these experiences in other lifetimes? Q: (L) When we do this channeling does it magnetize our bodies to bring
benefits into our lives? Q: (L) Is this work a destined mission? Q: (L) If one is in process of fulfilling one’s destiny in terms of performing
a mission, is not the universe capable of meeting one’s needs? Q: (L) Is this, in fact, going to happen for both of us as we focus on
this work? Q: (L) So all the things we are doing now... Q: (L) Did S___ make any money selling her jewelry? Q: (L) What does S___ think about Freddie? Q: (L) Me? Q: (L) What does A___ B___ really think about me? Q: (L) C___ H___? Q: Okay, thank you for the help. 20.10.1994. F., Laura and V. Q: Who do we have with us tonight? Q: And where are you from? Q: Last year both V___ and I went to visit a psychic surgeon named C___.
Is this individual legitimate? Q: Does she actually insert her hand into your body and do what she claims
to do? Q: Is it all faked? Q: Where does the bloody water come from? Q: Does Reverend R___ know that she is a fraud? Q: Is there any psychic activity that occurs when this woman works on
one? Q: What is the nature of it? Q: What is the source or root of this energy? Q: She is not influenced by any negatives such as the Lizzies or anything
like that? Q: So C___ works with the Lizzie energy? Q: What is the force or background of R___, G___, J___, et al. Q: In the incident that occurred in the spring at A__ B___’s house when
“Rev. B” came up and sort of zapped me, who or what was behind that activity
and what did he do? Q: What was the intent. Q: Did they intend to kill me? Q: Who put this Reverend B up to this activity? Q: Anybody else involved with her in that decision? Q: Why? Q: Is A__ B____ once again involved with the characters at that metaphysical
church? Q: What are they up to? Q: Why did B___ call V___ the other day? Q: Why does B___ think she has to steer V___ away from me and Fred? Q: What do these people think we are that makes them behave so cruelly
and fearfully toward us? Q: Well, what’s the story here? Am I completely in left field? Is Laura
right and them wrong? Q: Is J___ a good psychic? Q: How do aliens control people? Q: How many choices do I have? Q: Well, how do the grays and Lizzies do it? Q: Can they do this remotely? Q: So they need to work directly on you or be in contact with you by
some means that is somewhat material? Q: Are there other aliens on the planet abducting people? Q: What was the flying boomerang the kids and I saw last year? Q: Did they fly over my house deliberately for me to see them? Q: What was the purpose of them showing themselves to me? Q: Why did they want to make me aware of their existence? Q: Did that little flap that occurred in Pasco county in spring of 1993
happen as a result of Fred’s and my activities? Q: Was there a craft over my house the night I hypnotized P__ Z___? Q: Is P__ Z___ under the control of the Lizzies? Q: How many people are not under the control of the Lizzies nowadays?!
Q: We would like to know what is the origin of the Gypsies. Q: Who are these dark forces? Q: As what? Q: Does this brotherhood consist of Lizzies and various humans? Q: If the Gypsies were gene spliced, who were they gene spliced with?
Q: What were Atlantean drone workers? Q: Why do the Gypsies remain so cohesive? Is that genetically programmed?
Q: There are legends of half human creatures, minotaurs, centaurs, etc.
Were any of these creatures real? Q: Does she know it? Q: Who built the city of Baalbek? Q: What is the reason for the enormous proportions of this building?
Q: Who were the giants? Q: Did the Atlanteans and Sumerians succeed in recreating the Nephilim?
Q: Why did they build this enormous city? Q: The results of their efforts were retarded? Q: Why did they build the enormous city? Q: Why would someone come along and build a city of the proportions of
Baalbek in anticipation of a genetic project that could take many years
to accomplish. Q: That’s why it failed, because of the speeded up growth? Q: What technical means did they use to cut the stones and transport
them? Q: What happened to interrupt or halt the building of this city? Q: What year was this project brought to a halt? Q: Who built the city of Mohenjo-Daro? Q: Who is Coatzlmundi? Q: Now, you said Mohenjo Daro was built by the Lizzies directly. Did
they occupy this city themselves? Q: When was this city last inhabited continually? Q: When was it built? Q: I would like to go back to the subject of the Nephilim. Now you said
the Nephilim were a group of humanoid types brought here to earth to be
enforcers, is that correct? Q: When were they brought here? Q: They were giants, is that correct? Q: They were presented to the people as the representatives, or “Sons”
of God, is that correct? Q: You say these dudes were 11 to 14 feet tall... Q: You and the ancient literature say that these sons of god intermarried
with human women, is that correct? Q: Did they do that the same way it is done today, that is, sexual interaction?
Q: How was it done? Q: So, it was artificial insemination? Q: Were these beings like us, including their sexual apparatus? Q: Any significant differences? Q: Was their sexual apparatus otherwise similar? Q: Did they mate with human females in a normal way at any time? Q: Why not? Q: Just for the sake of curiosity, just how different in terms of size?
Q: Were they circumcised? Q: Just what was the origin of the practice of circumcision? Q: Where do the Tibetans come from? Q: Were they special in any way? Hybrids or anything? Q: What is the origin of the Nubians? Q: How come they are so terribly black? Q: With what? Anything particularly special about them? Q: Who was the Queen of Sheba? Q: Did a great queen come to visit King Solomon? Q: Who was Arjuna? Q: Who is Shiva? Q: Rama? Q: Is Ormethion who the Lizzies worship? Q: Who do they worship? What do they call their god? Q: The physical universe is their god? Q: What happened to K___ W___? [Little girl missing in another state.]
Q: By whom? Q: What happened to D___ W___ and C___ S___? [Two local men who had disappeared
without a trace several years previously.] Q: Were they killed through these experiments? Q: How were the walls of Jericho brought down? Q: What happened to the army of Sennacherib? Q: Is there such a thing as sound that can kill? Q: Are there words that can kill by their simple pronunciation? Q: Are there words of power that invoke energies by their pronunciation?
Q: Could you tell us any of them? Q: Sitchin says that the pyramid was built as a permanent marking system
to navigate the planets of our solar system. Could you give comments on
this please? Q: Who was Jehovah? Q: What is the Melchizedek priesthood? Q: Is there an order of priests to which the original Melchizedek belonged
that was true? Q: I had an experience under hypnosis several years ago while in the
mountains of North Carolina. What was that? Q: What was the significance of the necklace? Q: Another experience on the boat one night, I am remembering now. What
was that event? Q: What was the source of these two events? Q: Alright, another event during meditation followed by period of intense
crying. What was this event? Q: The source? Q: When did the Aryans invade India? Q: Who was there before that? Q: What is a number 3 prototype? Q: And what are we? Q: Were the Aryan/Celts the original giants? Q: What white men were seen in South America and talked to the tribes
there and promised to return one day and were worshipped as Gods. Q: What did the Atlanteans do to bring this karma on us such that the
grays and Lizzies... Q: Does the act of channeling actually change our genetics or DNA or
some element around our being in some way that we are not even conscious
of? Q: Will this channeling have effects on us that will cause changes our
lives and lifestyle? Q: Will there be benefits brought into our lives because of dedication
to this work? Q: If we dedicate ourselves does this mean that we will be protected
or cared for in any way? Q: We got some information from the first session when we were working
with S____ which said some awful things about bits of children's organs
were removed etc, what was the source of that information? Did that come
from you guys? Q: You say that there is an effort on the part of the Orions or Lizards...
Are the Orions and Lizards synonymous? Q: Okay. You say that there is an effort on the part of these beings
to create a new race. Why do they want or need a new race? Q: When we asked you in the session on July 30th where you were from
you said Corsoca, is that correct? Q: Is that a planet? Q: What is Corsoca? Q: When we do this channeling, Fred and I together, is it different than
if Fred were to do it alone? Q: Okay, when we are doing it together with the board, where are you
in space time relative to us as we sit here? Q: Once again, you said that if we called on you for help, you would
come if we ask. Is there any special way to call and how can we know if
you answer? 22.10.1994. Direct channeling with F. Q: (L) What is the significance of the earthquake that occurred a few
months ago that was called the superdeep earthquake that was 400 miles
deep? Q: (L) Any other comments on that? Q: (L) We would like to have comments on the thumping noises reportedly
heard off the coast of California? Q: (L) What kind of base? Q: (L) And what was the thumping? Q: (L) Is it construction work? Q: (L) Any other comments? Q: (L) What was the source of knowledge accessed by Edgar Cayce? Q: (L) What is the source of Lama Singh’s knowledge? Q: (L) In terms of access levels, which one of the two had access to
the greatest field of subjects or information? Q: (L) In terms of relationships relative to the Cassiopaean level of
knowledge, how would Cayce and Lama Singh relate? Q: (L) When and how did planet earth acquire its moon? Q: (L) When did this happen? Q: (L) Can a spiritual being become entrapped in physical matter? Q: (L) Are human beings entrapped in physical matter? Q: (L) Why did they make this choice? Q: (L) Who was in charge of the group? Q: (L) Does the interaction between the spirit/soul and the body physical
produce some by-product that is desirable to other beings? Q: (L) Does this interaction produce a by-product? Q: (L) And what are these by-products? Q: (L) Positive. Q: (L) The comment was made at one point that certain alien beings abduct
humans and subject them to cruel and torturous deaths in order to create
“maximum energy transfer.” In this respect, what is this maximum energy
transfer that occurs during a long, slow, torturous dying process? Q: (L) What is their metabolic structure? Q: (L) What other means? Q: (L) Do they do that? Q: (L) In what manner? Q: (L) Did Arthur Clarke channel “Childhood’s End”? Q: (L) Is the amnesia related to UFO abductions deliberately induced
or is it a product of the mind’s inability to deal with the event? Q: (L) The part that is deliberately induced, how is that accomplished?
Q: (L) Can you be more specific? Q: (L) Going back to the beings that absorb nutrients through their pores,
what kind of beings are they? Q: (L) Since they are artificially created by the Lizard beings, does
this mean they have no souls? Q: (L) How do they function? Are they like robots? Q: (L) As four dimensional probes, what are their capabilities? So, therefore, they must absorb negative energy because the fourth level of density is the highest example of self service which is a negative thought pattern. The fourth level of density is a progression from the third level of density. With each progression upward in density level, the existence for the individual conscious entity becomes less difficult. So, therefore, the fourth level of density is less difficult to exist in that the third, the third is less difficult than the second and so on. It puts less strain on the soul energy. Therefore, beings existing on the fourth level of density can draw from beings existing on the third level of density in terms of absorption of negative soul energy. Likewise, beings on the third level of density can draw from beings on the second level of density, though this type of drawing is not as necessary but is done. This is why human beings existing on the third level frequently cause pain and suffering to those of the animal kingdom who exist on the second level of density because you are drawing negative soul energy as beings who primarily serve self, as you do, from those on the second level, and on the first, and so on. Now, as you advance to the fourth level of density which is coming up for you, you must now make a choice as to whether to progress to service to others or to remain at the level of service to self. This will be the decision which will take quite some time for you to adjust to. This is what is referred to as the “thousand year period.” This is the period as measured in your calendar terms that will determine whether or not you will advance to service to others or remain at the level of service to self. And those who are described as the Lizards have chosen to firmly lock themselves into service to self. And, since they are at the highest level of density where this is possible, they must continually draw large amounts of negative energy from those at the third level, second level, and so on, which is why they do what they do. This also explains why their race is dying, because they have not been able to learn for themselves how to remove themselves from this particular form of expression to that of service to others. And, since they have such, as you would measure it, a long period of time, remained at this level and, in fact, become firmly entrenched in it, and, in fact, have increased themselves in it, this is why they are dying and desperately trying to take as much energy from you as possible and also to recreate their race metabolically. Q: (L) Well, if we are sources of food and labor for them, why don’t
they just breed us in pens on their own planet? Q: (L) Well, since there is so many of us here, why don’t they just move
in and take over? 1: retaining their race as a viable species 2: increasing their numbers 3: increasing their power 4: expanding their race throughout the realm of fourth density To do all of this they have been interfering with events for what you would measure on your calendar as approximately 74 thousand years. And they have been doing so in a completely still state of space time traveling backward and forward at will during this work. Interestingly enough, though, all of this will fail. Q: (L) How can you be so sure it will fail? Q: (L) Zecharia Sitchin proposes that the pyramid was built as a permanent
marking system to navigate the solar system, could you comment on that
idea? Q: (L) Did any aliens at all, and specifically the Lizzies, ever live
among mankind and receive worship? Q: (L) Who made the Nazca lines in South America and what was their purpose?
Q: (L) Were they symbols of power in any way? Q: (L) Who built the city of Angkor Wat? Q: (L) Who built the city of Mohenjo Daro? Q: (L) Did they live in these cities? Q: (L) Who did they build the cities for? Q: (L) In an earlier reading, the question was asked as to what planet
you are from, and the response was Corsoca. The question was then asked:
“Can you be more specific?” and the answer was 2 dilor. Is this an incorrect
spelling or what does this mean? Q: (L) Alright. You mentioned in this earlier reading something about
a “Denver Airport Scandal”. Recently it has come to my attention that
this is a possible development. Is this scandal going to develop into
a far worse situation and, if so, what are the ramifications? Q: (L) Are there any rituals that can be performed to provide protection
for one against intrusion by the Lizzies. Q: (L) Are there any technological means we can use? Q: (L) Does this include knowledge learned from books? Q: (L) Can you think of how it would be that simply with one term, this one word can carry so much meaning? We sense that you are not completely aware. You can have glimpses of illumination and illumination comes from knowledge. If you strive perpetually to gain and gather knowledge, you provide yourself with protection from every possible negative occurrence that could ever happen. Do you know why this is? A: The more knowledge you have, the more awareness you have as to how to protect yourself. Eventually this awareness becomes so powerful and so all encompassing that you do not even have to perform tasks or rituals, if you prefer, to protect yourself. The protection simply comes naturally with the awareness. Q: (L) Does knowledge have a substance or an existence apart from its
possession or its acceptance? Q: (L) So acquiring knowledge includes adding substance to one’s being? A: Indeed. It includes adding everything to one’s being that is desirable. And also, when you keep invoking the light, as you do, truly understand that the light is knowledge. That is the knowledge which is at the core of all existence. And being at the core of all existence it provides protection from every form of negativity in existence. Light is everything and everything is knowledge and knowledge is everything. You are doing extremely well in acquiring of knowledge. Now all you need is the faith and realization that acquiring of knowledge is all you need. Q: (L) I just want to be sure that the source that I am acquiring the
knowledge from is not a deceptive source. Q: (L) There are an awful lot of people who are being open and trusting
and having faith who are getting zapped and knocked on their rears. Q: (L) While we are on the subject of knowledge and experiencing things
that may or may not be pleasant, I would like to ask for Fred what it
is he needs to learn? Q: (L) Which factor? Q: (L) In what respect? Q: (L) What caused Fred to spend so many years interacting with a person
such as N___ E___? Q: (L) And what brought that whole situation to a halt? Q: (L) During a previous reading we asked several questions about Jesus
of Nazareth known as the Christ. The question was asked: “Was Jesus special,
that is, Christed, in some way?” The answer came back was: “Quick exalted;
wars; civil entrancement. Zindar council.” I would like to know the meaning
of these references. Q: (L) What was the source of the knowledge? Q: (L) What does the term “Civil entrancement” mean? Q: (L) What is the Zendar Council? Q: (L) I would like you to expound a bit on the life of Christ in terms
of chronology of events. Could you tell us about his understanding about
himself, his interaction with higher sources, his state of being Christed,
and what was the true work he came her to do and how did he accomplish
it? Most of these writings are by entities who wish to confuse and corrupt all humanity for previously stated purposes. The idea was that if one perceived Jesus as performing physical miracles, then your entire understanding of what the life experience here on earth and on this plane is, and the meaning for it all, is also corrupted and the knowledge is blocked which is the goal of those who have done this. Jesus’ purpose and plan was to teach knowledge to all who sought but did not have the strength to express as great a level of faith as he had to acquire the knowledge as he did from higher sources. If they were open and willing to learn they could be taught by hearing. He had only very limited success in imparting faith to others because faith comes solely from within and that is one of the most difficult things for beings on your plane to acquire. Q: (L) Now, it has been discussed before that Jesus was probably the product of a genetically selected impregnation, could you comment on this and why this would be. A: There was no genetic selection of the impregnation. That is incorrect. Q: (L) Okay, then what was it? Q: (L) Well what I meant was that the person was selected to be the biological
father. Q: (L) Could you comment on the idea that is implicit in this that Jesus
was illegitimate? However if you choose to limit your knowledge or become obsessed then you are constantly finding yourself blocked and this will manifest in all your life experiences. That is part of the individual soul development pattern. It is all based on choice. Therefore it is not possible for you to interfere with another’s choice to acquire knowledge or not and how it is or is not done. There is no need to try to alter another’s perceptions because that would be to interfere with free will. If one chooses to be obsessed rather than to be illumined, that is their choice! Q: (L) We talked about the planet Martek. Is this an ancient human name
for Mars or is it an Alien designation? Q: (L) The remark was made that the planet earth, prior to its interaction
with Martek, had a water vapor canopy. How was this water vapor canopy
suspended? Q: (L) Was the gravity level the same as what it is now? Q: (L) Did that condition prior to the flood of Noah, the altered gravitational
state as well as the water vapor canopy, was that condition more conducive
to extended life spans than the conditions that exist on the planet now?
Q: (L) Do you mean a historical event in the terms of Noah being in an ark or historical event in terms of the flood? A: First of all, there was no Noah. Secondly there was no actual real flood as depicted in that story. Thirdly, the whole story was a symbolic message as opposed to an actual event. Q: (L) What did actually occur and what does the symbolism have to tell
us? Q: (L) At that time was Martek drawn close to the earth and did it have
water on its surface which the earth then robbed or borrowed? Q: (L) Tell me about the Nephilim. Q: (L) What era was that? Q: (L) For how many years did these beings exist on our earth? Q: (L) When did the last of them die off? Q: (L) What was the name of the planet they came from? Q: (L) Where was this planet located? Q: (L) After the “flood of Noah” approximately how many people survived
that cataclysm on the whole earth? Q: (L) Why did the population of the earth continue to decline from that
point? Q: (L) What did the tower of Babel look like? Q: (L) Would the great pyramid in Egypt still work if someone knew how
to use it? Q: (L) What did the original face on the sphinx look like? Q: (L) At one point in a previous transmission it was stated that the
Lizard beings altered the human race after a battle for their own “feeding”
purposes. Could you clarify this? Q: (L) So they haven’t been here for 300 thousand years? Q: (L) Now you mentioned the creators of your group as the super ancient
ancestors called the transient passengers, what is the meaning of this
term and who are these beings? Q: (L) Why are they called transient passengers? Q: (L) The planet that was destroyed between Jupiter and Mars that we
now know as the asteroid belt, you said was destroyed by psychic energy.
Could you clarify that? Q: (L) Was this done technologically or was it strictly done by mind
power? Q: (L) Did they do something like drop bombs? Q: (L) On a couple of occasions it has been mentioned that Yasser Arafat
was a fifth density soul and that he was a descendant of Jesus of Nazareth.
What is there about him that demonstrates these qualities or these genetics?
Q: (L) Well the pro-Jewish point of view is not favorable to him. Q: (L) In that particular conflict between the Jews and the Arabs, which
side has the greater validity? Q: (L) In discussion of a purported crash of a space craft in Roswell,
it was remarked that this crash was caused by ionization. Could you be
more specific? Q: (L) Why were the ions present at that time and not at other times?
Q: (L) You said that there were bodies recovered by the government. How
many bodies were recovered? Q: (L) How long did the one live? Q: (L) Did the government know that it was a robotic being? Q: (L) Do they still think it was a living being? Q: (L) In another transmission we were told that we would receive information
from a different being each time of contact in order to get good information.
Why is this? Q: Well, that is it for tonight. Thank you. 23.10.1994. F., Laura, V. Q: (L) I am not unmirthful. Who is with us tonight? Q: (L) Where are you from? Q: (L) Are you a Cassiopaean? Q: (L) Last night we tried direct channeling through Fred, I was not
entirely satisfied with the results. Can you tell me what the status was
and should we pursue that avenue? Q: (L) Was Freddie operating as a clear channel last night? Q: (L) What was the nature of the interference? Q: (L) What was the origin of this static? Q: (L) Is it correct that we should persist with practice for him to
become a clear channel? Q: (L) How often should we do this? Q: (L) How long will it take to “groove” or clear the channel? Q: (L) Was the trance technique acceptable? Q: (L) Could you give a suggestion? Q: (L) So I should suggest another thing for the opening of the channel?
Q: (L) What visual image should I give him in suggestion to open the
channel? Q: (L) E___ L____: Can you tell me about her physical condition? Q: (L) Is there anything wrong with her heart or her aorta? Q: (L) How long after mankind was engineered by the Cassiopaeans did
they live on the earth in a harmonious, Edenic, condition before the zapping
by the Lizards? Q: (L) Well, were we created by you? Q: (L) Well, then how did mankind come to be here? Q: (L) Tell us again who are the Nephilim? Q: (L) You said the other night that the Nephilim came from some area
around the constellation Scorpio, is that correct? Q: (L) We were originally seeded somewhere else? Where? Orion? What is
the name of that planet? Q: (L) Is this other planet our original home? Q: (L) What is it like back Home? Q: (L) So it’s true, you can’t go home? Q: (L) These Nephilim, how tall were they again? Q: (L) Was Goliath, who was killed by David, one of the Nephilim? Q: (L) Was it actually David and Goliath? Q: (L) Did he actually slay him with a stone from a slingshot? Q: (L) Were these Nephilim genetically intermixed with human beings?
Q: (L) Why only temporarily? Q: (L) Were they smarter than us? Q: (L) Were they bigger and dumber? Q: (L) About the same? Q: (L) Was it difficult for them to live on our planet because of their
size and gravity and so forth? Q: (L) Did they have physical problems here? Q: (L) And when did the last of them die off? Q: (L) When were they originally brought here? Q: (L) Let’s go back to the three forces. You said numerous souls desired
physical existence. When the numerous souls did this, how did physical
existence come to be? Q: (L) And then what happened? Did these apelike being just pop into
the air? What did the souls do with these apelike beings? Q: (L) Transfer of what? Q: (L) The Orion souls came into Neanderthal bodies? Q: (L) Were altered ape embryos put back into ape females for gestation?
Q: (L) They put the souls into the ape bodies? Q: (L) Did the soul’s presence in the ape body cause its genetics and
DNA to change? Q: (L) They entered into living creatures on this planet to experience
3d reality and by entering in caused mutation? Q: (L) Then were altered by Orion Union first. A: They resemble you. Q: (L) Who resembles us? Q: (L) We haven’t talked too much about the Orions... Q: (L) Are some of the Orions not good guys as we would term it? Q: (L) Are some of them good guys? Q: (L) So, you are saying that the original creators or genetic engineers
were Orions? Q: (L) Where did the souls come from that entered into the bodies on
the planet earth? Were they in bodies on other planets before they came
here? Q: (L) Were they just floating around in the universe somewhere? Q: (L) Who is Lucifer? Q: (L) Are the souls of individual humans the parts of a larger soul?
Q: (L) Are you saying that the act of wanting to experience physical
reality is the act of falling? Q: (L) What is it about wanting to be physical is a “fall”? Q: (L) How many people on the planet know what you are teaching us? Q: (L) Are we “special” in some way to receive this? Q: (L) How many know? Q: (L) Will we be able to teach others? Q: (L) Who are the others? Q: (L) Did, at any time, the human race live for a long time in an Edenic
state, where they were able to use bodies and still have a spiritual connection?
Q: (L) So, mankind was addicted to pleasuring the self? Q: (L) How long from the time of the moving of souls into bodies did
the “Fall” in Eden occur? Q: (L) So you are saying that the Fall in Eden was also the beginning
of time? Q: (L) These many other falsehoods that you mention, could you tell us
about a couple. We know that the first one is time... Q: (L) Aletheia wants to know what the Loch Ness Monster is. Q: (L) Are there any huge monsters at the bottom of the ocean? Q: (L) Are there any leftover dinosaurs in the jungles of Africa or South
America? Q: (L) Is a vegetarian style of eating good for one? Q: (L) What did human beings eat before the Fall? Q: (L) So, until we go through the transition we are not really designed
to be vegetarian? Q: (L) Would we be able to use this source to do readings for other people
to give them information that they need? Q: (L) Would you be willing to help us to give readings for other people?
Q: (L) I would like to know if the teachings of Gurdjieff were in any
way accurate or near the truth? Q: (L) We would like to know the source of information coming through
Billy Meier? Q: (L) He is not channeling Pleiadians? Q: (L) Are the Minturians associated with the Lizzies? Q: (L) Are the Minturians assisting in abductions? Q: (L) Are the Minturians on the planet at this time? Q: (L) Are they nearby our planet? Q: (L) Are they in any way involved with the activities going on on the
planet at this time? Q: (L) Are they slaves of the Lizzies? Q: (L) Are they living on a free will planet? Q: (L) How tall are they? Q: (L) Do they eat? Q: (L) Do they reproduce? Q: (L) When the earth becomes 4th density will we still eat? Q: (L) Will we still reproduce? Q: (L) Will people still have sexual relations? Q: (L) In the same way as the Lizzies and Grays do? Q: (L) And they also absorb nutrients through their skin? Q: (L) What nutrients do they use? Q: (L) What source do they use for these nutrients? Q: (L) Are you saying that we will be feeding ourselves the same way?
Q: (L) Is it true they throw people in the blender and then absorb their
bodies. Q: (L) Was Jeffrey Dahmer abducted by the Lizzies at an early age? Q: (L) Did he get his perversions from the Lizzies? Q: (L) Is he genetically connected to the Lizzies? Q: (L) I have a book in the bedroom called The P’taah Tapes channeled
by a gal named Jani King. Who is Jani King channeling? Q: (L) We want to know about the Ra Material by Elkins, Rueckert and
McCarty, where is the Ra Material coming from? Q: (L) Would you say that the Ra Material comes through a clear channel?
Q: (L) If we had a book with the inscriptions from the city of Mohenjo
Daro, would you be able to translate them for us? Q: (L) Who built Stonehenge? Q: (L) Who were the Druids? Q: (L) How did they move the stones and set them up? Q: (L) Who taught the Druids to use the sound waves? Q: (L) When was Stonehenge built? Q: (L) What was Stonehenge built to do or be used for? Q: (L) What was this energy to be directed to do? Q: (L) Was the energy to be directed outward or inward to the center?
Q: (L) Are you suggesting we should get together and try to move something
with sound? Q: (L) Does this sound come from our bodies? Q: (L) It says in the Kaballah that when a group meets regularly with
intent and purpose to acquire spiritual awareness, that they create what
is called a vessel. Is this what we have done these past three years?
Q: (L) Now, since we have created this vessel, into which this information
can flow, can we add other people to the use and benefits of this vessel?
Q: (L) We have heard about a movie called The PuppetMaster, is this movie
a depiction of truth? Q: (L) Were the events surrounding the death of JFK depicted correctly
in the Oliver Stone movie, JFK? Q: (L) Is it true that he was shot by one of his own bodyguards? Q: (L) Why was he killed? Q: (L) Was he the one who was corrupt? Q: (L) Did Marilyn Monroe commit suicide? Q: (L) Was she murdered? Q: (L) Was she murdered because of her connection with JFK? Q: (L) What did she know that made them want to murder her? Q: (L) Who was the man in the velvet or iron mask who was imprisoned
by Louis XIV? Q: (L) If that was an heir, what relation was he to the king? Q: (L) Did Elvis Presley really die? Q: (L) Is he really in his grave? Q: (L) Did he die of an overdose? Q: (L) Do the tabloids print truth about UFOs? Q: (L) Was the woman who reappeared in Berlin who said she was the Princess
Anastasia really who she said she was? |