Session Date: January 30th 2010
Laura, Ark, Ottershrew, Joe, Andromeda, Belibaste, Nomad, Burma Jones, PoB, Alada, Ailén, Scottie, Psyche Q: (L) [Talking to others in the room with fingers on planchette] A: More people is good! 5D is watching closely. Q: (L) And who do we have with us this evening? A: Timorone Cassiopaea Q: (L) And why are you so slow this evening? A: Energy is variable. Q: (L) Well if the energy is variable, are we going to be able to deal with Ark's questions tonight? A: Yes. Ark knows the answers, we will help to access them! Pay attention, Ark!! Q: (Ark) I know the answers, so I don't have to ask, right? (L) Well, they said they'll help to access them. (Ark) I see. (L) So, ask. (Ark) 1998 [session about] sun's companion. So, I asked the question: how close would it come, and the answer was, "Distance depends upon other factors, such as intersecting orbit of locator of witness". I don't know what that means. Who is the witness? A: You on Earth. Earth can be on opposite side of sun at time of closest approach. Q: (Ark) Okay, I am the witness. Now but it says that it depends upon other factors such as intersection. Now, are these factors not determined? I mean, it's not determined where the earth will be at the time of the closest approach? A: No, due to gravitational factors in outer solar system. Q: (L) So that suggests that things can speed it up or slow it down? (Ark) I don't understand because gravitational factors are also deterministic. I mean, are there some gravitational factors that are not known to us? Like what, black holes? A: Other bodies not known to earth science. Q: (Joe) Like giant UFOs! (Ark) Must be so... A: Dark... Q: (Ark) Dark? (Burma Jones) Dark matter? (Ark) There is no dark matter. Is there dark matter? A: Yes Q: (Joe) Now you're in trouble! (Ark) But, as far as I know, we are able to predict the orbit of the solar system in the galaxy. And the galaxy is pretty much known. A: There are anomalies that are not explained! Q: (Ark) Alright. That's progress. I did some calculations... (L) Well why don't we ask what the anomalies are? (Ark) Gravitational anomalies. (L) Well, what do you mean? (Ark) I mean Pioneer trajectory has anomaly, all kinds of rotating galaxies have anomalies... (L) But you just said it was all predictable. (Ark) Oh, it's predictable on a more or less... I mean, they are small anomalies, not big anomalies. I want to ask about my numbers. So, I put numbers. We were asking for these numbers years ago, you were evasive, and you even admitted that you are evasive for a good reason. Nevertheless, I did calculations with what I could - of course garbage in/garbage out as everyone knows. So, I put for the period 26 million years. Is it approximately true? A: Very close 28.2 million years. Q: (Ark) Then I had to put another number which was not told to us. I was asking about the mass of this companion star, and I was told that it was "much less than the sun". So, in my calculations, I put half a percent of the mass of the sun. Is it approximately true? A: 3.4, closer Q: (Ark) 3 percent?! And not half a percent?? That would mean that when it approaches, it will induce perturbation of the solar system. A: Indeed! Q: (Ark) Hmm. A: It already has done so in the past. Just check the record. Q: (Joe) It's already perturbed in the past? (L) So in other words, you can examine the record and find out what kind of perturbations it does. Like the geological record, historical record, archaeology, etc. (Ark) I will do this. Now, just one other question to check. I calculated from these data - the difference in the mass between what I thought. And what we just learned will not influence these calculations - it has to do with perturbations - so, I calculated what we call a semi-major axis. So there is the binary system, there is the sun and there is this companion. And they circulate around each other. But the sun moves only a little bit because it's heavy. So I calculated the semi-major axis. It's a flat elliptical orbit. So we know the semi-minor axis because we were told it's around Pluto distance. So I calculated the semi-major axis and I got the answer like 87,000 astronomical units, which is about 1.3 light years, a the semi-major axis of this elongated ellipse. Is this 1.3 light years more or less the right answer? A: 1.7 Q: (Ark) Okay. Thank you very much. That's enough for me to go back to my calculations and use cleverly what I just got. But I have another question... (laughter) Not related... or maybe related! I am trying to do something adventurous connecting quantum theory with gravity. And I did some calculations and I really don't know what I am doing. I am done. I came up with some kind of a cosmology which is called "anti-De Sitter" cosmology. But I am really stuck because I really don't know what to do next. Just a hint, please? A: Take your gravity and convert half into EM light. Q: (Ark) I will. (laughter) I'm done. (L) Does that make sense? (Ark) No. (Joe) What's EM light? Electromagnetic light? (Joe) You have to make some? (Ark) I will make some. (L) Don't you want to ask another one? (Ark) No, I have my homework. (L) Next. Belibaste, go ahead and ask your question. (Belibaste) We wanted to know the percentage of psychopaths geographically speaking, like in the US, Israel, UK. (L) Alright, let's take them one at a time. (Belibaste) USA? A: 23 percent. Q: (Belibaste) United Kingdom? A: 14 percent. Q: (L) That's because they all went to America. (laughter) (Ailén) Israel? A: 42 percent. Q: (Belibaste) France? A: 10 percent. Q: (Burma Jones) Russia? A: 17 Q: (Belibaste) What about some poor country like Ethiopia? A: 3 Q: (Joe) That's 75 million people in the US. (Burma Jones) That's a lot of psychopaths. (Ottershrew) What's the country that's the lowest? A: Samoa Q: (Belibaste) What's the percentage in Samoa? A: 0.6 Q: (Belibaste) In Samoa there's quite a strong ethnical specificity. (L) I don't know anything about Samoa. (Joe) I think they're the same as the Maori. (PoB) Just in case, is there any country with a bigger percentage than Israel? A: Not at present Q: (Burma Jones) So Israel is the worst at present. (Belibaste) In the past, was there a country with a higher percentage? A: Low Countries. Q: (Andromeda) What about Spain? A: 2.6 Q: (Ailén) China? A: 0.9 Q: (Ailén) Well, there are so many people in China... (Joe) When they said the low countries, did they all leave the low countries and go to England? A: USA and South Africa Q: (Ailén) What about Holland? (L) That's the low countries. (Ailén) But that was in the past... (L) Oh, you mean at present? A: Still high Q: (L) Are you going to give us a number on that? A: 13 Q: (Joe) In this study that was done that was investigating why a majority of English have no Celtic genes - they're all Anglo-Saxon - they had two theories. One was that... A: Not "Anglo-Saxon" proper, but Germanic certainly. Q: (Joe) The theory was that the Anglo-Saxon or Germanic peoples came over with the fall of the Romans and they came into Britain. And the ones that stayed established an apartheid society and they essentially outbred the indigenous population. A: Read Laura's book, it is closer to the facts. Q: (Joe) What book was that? (laughter) (L) (L) Oppenheimer’s “The Origins of the British”. He has quite a different thing to say about it. So, next question. (PoB) What happened to the Ethiopian plane? What was the cause of the crash? A: Sabotage. CIA and pals. Q: (Joe) Did they intend to kill someone? What was the purpose? Was there someone on the plane they wanted to take out? A: Distraction, warning, and murder of agents on board. Q: (Joe) Agents pertaining to which country? A: France. Q: (Joe) There was a French ambassador's wife... A: Watch the relations between the countries over the next months. Q: (L) Next? (PoB) One more question: there were several events at the beginning of this month on the 9th and 10th of January around New York. At airports, there were radio frequency problems while a plane was making an emergency landing, and some other weird things like power surges affecting 3 states in the US. All of this, as one of our readers noted, was around the grids. A: 4D bleedthrough. Q: (L) I wonder if there were any UFOs associated with them? (Joe) Is Obama a psychopath? A: No, more like schizoidal Q: (L) Well, that's a type of psychopath. A: More or less Q: (L) I don't think I would have pegged him as schizoidal. Well... (Joe) You don't see much of him. (L) On the other hand, consider the history of his father, so... Yeah. (Burma Jones) Yeah, you only see him under controlled circumstances when his handlers are around. This is kind of a silly question we were wondering about the other day, about the machine elves of Terrance McKenna and his DMT experiences? (Ark) What what? (L) The machine elves that Terrance McKenna saw during his hallucinogenic excursions, and I've seen something similar but not under the influence of hallucinogens. I was just extremely exhausted. My theory was that they were metaphors for energy. (Burma Jones) And my thought was that they were metaphors for aspects of the mind. A: Energy is closer, but that energy is also connected to a consciousness, i.e. "cryptogeographic" being. Q: (L) We know about those cryptogeographic beings! A: Remember "Operators and Things". Q: (L) Did you read Operators and Things? (Burma Jones) Yeah. (L) That was CREEPY! (Burma Jones) Very creepy. (L) So what's the difference between the critters I saw and the living light that I have seen on occasion? A: Living light is exactly that: light of life. Q: (L) Next? (Psyche) I have a question. When we were discussing with I**** some type of cells that are located mainly in the frontal lobe of the brain, it seems that nobody knows what they are for. They are called spindle cells or "von Economo neurons" if I remember the name correctly. What are their function? A: Consciousness orientation. Q: (Ailén) Hmm. (Andromeda) So I guess having a lot of those would be good? (Burma Jones) So, is that like a registration bin for consciousness to figure out how to keep itself... A: Energy directors. Q: (Joe) Can you get more of them? A: You may. Q: (Joe) I wonder if those cells have anything to do with the third eye, like when you do the breathing and you look up... A: Close, more like a "homing device". Q: (Joe) A homing device for aliens? A: Wave reader. {Cs refer to souled humans as “Wave Reading Consciousness Units.} Q: (Ailén) I**** was saying that they're huge cells. Right? (Psyche) Yeah. She was wondering if they could be related to psychopathy, like the lack of those cells... A: Oh yes. Q: (Andromeda) Hmm... (Ailén) She said there were some studies about schizophrenics not having so many of them also. (Psyche) They have been studied in whales too. (L) I have a question. I've been waiting for somebody to ask it, but since nobody is going to ask it, I want to ask it: Was the Haiti earthquake an induced earthquake, or was it totally natural? A: (Planchette swirls on board) INDUCED! Bet you didn't expect that, did you?! Q: (L) Frankly, I didn't. Because I've already gone on record saying it wasn't. I just poo-pooed the whole idea as too far out there. (laughter) So now I've gotta... (Joe) Well, it was the Russians who said that, wasn't it? A: No! Q: (Joe) Didn't you tell us the Russians reported that? (L) The question I want to ask is, how do they induce earthquakes? (To Ark) How do you think they induce earthquakes? (Joe) Space-based satellite (Ark) Well, just search the internet! (laughter) Yeah, it's on the internet. You create special waves that go into the earth and propagate in the right direction... (L) I don't believe it. They don't have enough power to do that. (Joe) I want to know who induced it? A: U.S. Q: (Joe) At the government level, or super-secret nonsense? A: Secret gov. Q: (L) And how did they do this? Was this from some kind of waves that Ark is talking about? A: Close. And notice that no one is arguing with them right now! Q: (L) In other words, you've got something that can do that, nobody's gonna mess with you. (Ark) But the main question is, did they really want to induce it in the neighborhood of Haiti, or it was a mistake? A: Yes, the prep was done. Q: (Andromeda) So they intentionally did it to Haiti. (Ark) What I would do, I would use a submarine and go near the fault, and do the job using these submarines as a so to say amplifiers for something. There are these faults under the ocean. It's enough to move this fault in the right direction with the right frequency, and you get it. A: Too dangerous that way because the pulses would also destroy the sub. Better to use triangulated space-based weapons. Q: (Belibaste) Why did they target Haiti specifically? A: Close to South America. Convenient, oil, other factors of imperialistic nature. Q: (Andromeda) Was it like a test? A: No. Q: (Burma Jones) Not a test, so they've used this thing a lot before? (Joe) They used it on the Columbia. A: Once or twice. Q: (Joe) Used on the space shuttle. (Psyche) That's why Chavez was so sure. (Ark) It's probably much easier for the island than on the mainland... (L) Yeah, because you've got separation with the ocean bed and different strata. It would be too uncontrollable if you started zapping a fault on a large land body. (Andromeda) Like California? (Joe) When they said, "notice how no one is arguing with them now", does that mean that most major nations in the world are aware that this was a... A: Yes Q: (Joe) Good way to shut people up. A: Spy vs. Spy Q: (L) Anybody else got anything pressing? (Nomad) I just wanted to know what happened to me, the strange stuff that happened to me two years ago? (L) Be specific. (Nomad) Well, there was some high strangeness, and there was a big HAARP spike at the same time it happened. (L) When? (Nomad) With the whole Z*** thing. I just kind of flipped out. A: Can u say "love bite"? Q: (Joe) You said there was high strangeness? (Nomad) Yeah, there was this HAARP spike. (L) And you think that had something to do with it? Could have. (Nomad) Just to push me over the edge a little bit more. (L) And you were susceptible. Could have been. So ask that specifically? Did it have anything to do with that HAARP spike? A: Little. Q: (L) I think they once said - and I'm pretty sure it was because I copied all that stuff onto the forum the other day - that HAARP was mainly used to control North America because it doesn't have the range. (Joe) That was the frequency fence, right? (L) Yeah. But then they've got satellites, so... I think you were manipulated. But you didn't want to hear it. (Nomad) I wasn't in a state to hear anything. (L) Just remember when you were in a state to not hear anything, and then the next time you're in that state, you'll hear it. Anything else? (Ailén) Anything for EE? For the forum? Church? A: Things are developing very nicely. Keep your eyes and ears alert for signals that you are having a real effect. Q: (L) Okay. So, I guess if there was anything in the wrong direction, you would tell us now? A: Yes. Q: (L) There IS something we're doing in the wrong direction? A: No. Q: (L) Oh, you would tell us. So, I guess we can assume "carry on". Carefully. Have faith. A: Hello Goodbye. END OF SESSION |