Benjamin Fulford: "Oba, i Masoni (5 miliona agenata širom svijeta)
i Azijska tajna društva (6 miliona članova) pozvali su me u članstvo svojih
visokih redova. Pristao sam se pridružiti samo ako mi i jedni i drugi
obećaju trogodišnju kampanju za zaustavljanje siromaštva, ratova i uništavanja
Desit će se proglašenje novog financijskog sistema između 20. siječnja
2010. i početka veljače. Ipak, to se možda odgodi zbog die-hard Sotonista
koji ne žele gledati kraj svoje vladavine. Uz put, dobio sam informaciju
da je David Rockefeller prenio ovlasti na Senat. John D. Rockefellera
IV, a Evelyn de Rothschild prenio vodstvo bratstva na Barona Davida de
Rothschilda. Prema mojim zadnjim informacijama, 5 vrhova pentagrama zvijeri
čine: Kraljica Elizabeta, stariji Bush, J. Rockefeller, David
Rothschild i Papa Ratzinger - sotonist."
Queen Elizabeth |
Papa Bush |
John Davison 'Jay' Rockefeller IV |
Baron David de Rothschild |
Pope Ratzinger |
Ben Fulford: "I can say with certainty that China, Russia
and India are free. When Putin kicked out Nieslev and Bereshovsky and
arrested Khordokovsky, he basically kicked the Rockefellers and Rothschilds
out of Russia. I have good Russian sources and am confident Putin is a
nationalist who is fighting the Illuminati with all his might. When ex-NSA
chief Bobby Inman spoke at the Foreign Correspondent's Club of Japan on
June 26th he made it very clear he expected a protracted struggle with
"India kicked them out in Ghandi's day and they have never been allowed
back. Having liberated themselves after 300 years of Illuminati (East
India Company) rule, they do not intend to let themselves fall under their
control again.
"There have been many attempts by the Illuminati to infiltrate and
dominate China. They financed Chairman Mao but he then kicked them out
in the 1960's (that is why China and the USSR nearly went to war then).
They are now trying to create a financial crisis in China that would open
the way for them to infiltrate the Chinese financial system. They will
not succeed. Italy basically purged itself during the big P2 Masonic lodge
scandal back in the 80's and re-infiltration has only been partly successful.
Germany is part of the Nato alliance and is thus indirectly controlled.
There is a powerful branch of the Rothschild family operating there.
"However, Germany does not appear on a top-secret Illuminati power
flow chart I have obtained. As far as Iran is concerned, I know they financed
Ayatollah Khomeini and Iran appears on the flow chart I have. My understanding
is they want to provoke a conflict between Islam and the West so they
can consolidate their control over the Muslim and Christian worlds before
finishing world conquest by taking over China and India."
Benjamin Fulford (rođen 1961) je novinar koji živi u Japanu. Praunuk
je Georga Taylora Fulforda.
Ranih 1980-ih otišao je u Japan na studij na Sveučilište Sophia. Nakon
što je diplomirao na Sveučilištu British Columbia, vratio se u Japan
i sredinom 1980-ih nastavio karijeru u novinarstvu. Radio je u Japanu
kao dopisnik za Knight Ridder, Međunarodni financijski magazin, za englesko
izdanje Nihon Keizai Shimbun, za South China Morning Post, i naposlijetku
za magazin Forbes, gdje je bio glavni urednik za Aziju od 1998. do 2005.
Nakon odlaska iz Forbesa napisao je više od desetak knjiga na japanskom,
mnoge su od njih bestseleri.
Benjamin je postao prvi zapadnjak nakon 500 godina koji je primljen
u visoke redove istočnih tajnih društava, djelujući kao njihov glasnogovornik.
