Notes from the Cobra Ascension Conference in Switzerland on 17th April 2016
- We are now helping to achieve the final victory of the light. This conference is the first step towards The Event. - Actually The Event has started already (note: I think Cobra actually meant that we are now at the pre-Event stage). - Now we are at what most people called the New Age. We are still at the stage of cleansing our negativity. - The Light Forces always have plan to liberate the planet Earth. - There are a lot of disinformation on the internet. This conference aims to clarify many of these. - The first thing we need to do now is to un-educate ourselves of the known learning process. - We entered the quarantine Earth voluntarily, in order to help transforming the Earth and speeding up the planetary liberation. - Before incarnation, everyone will be implanted (by the Archon) and as a result losing connection with The Divine Source. We also need to sign a contract with the Dark Forces. - When we were born, we lost all of the memory of our past lives due to the implants. We also inherited the emotions and thoughts of our parents. - We all come from different star systems. However, human can only see a very limited range of frequency. - Cobra flew in a MiG-29 to cross the Veil boundary in February 2014, and embraced by a tachyon bath, a rain of rainbow colored superluminal particles that penetrate the body energy field. [See] - We are all representatives of the Light Forces. - One day, certain energy within everyone's body will suddenly be awaken, other hidden abilities will also be awakened after a short period of time. - Some people will doubt about themselves. If we allow ourselves to fulfill our potentials, The Event could have happened as early as 1996. - A lot of people have awaken recently, they are speeding up the progress towards The Event. - A Galactic super wave is sent from the Galactic Central Sun every 26,000 years. This phenomenon is like the pulse of human heart. - The timeframe for Earth transformation is between 1975 and 2025. - This time we will not have to go through any global catastrophe event like the deluge of Atlantis. - The energetic pulse from the Galactic Central Sun also has impact on our local sun. - As a result, the weather on Earth are being affected as well. This is the reason for unusual weather in recent years. - A lot of people feel that the sun has changed. When we go out, we can feel the difference in the sun. - The Galactic Super Wave will dust off all darkness from our Solar System,
peel it off from the surface of the planet and completely change our society. - The Galactic Central Sun is sending Gamma wave directed at Earth. - Voyager 2 spacecraft has detected this strong Gamma radiation. - All the prophecies about massive catastrophes will NOT be happened. This is because a lot of massive motherships are protecting Earth. - The length of these motherships exceeds 1,000 km. [Then, Cobra showed the pictures of Cintamani stones in Antarctica, Greenland and South America] - Most of the surface population do not utilize the power of Free Will. - Plasma is light with intelligence, it is a living being. It is the key to the liberation of the Earth, which can be found in anywhere and be used in healing. - Asian medicine, especially Chinese medicine, focuses on healing of etheric body rather than physical body. - So in Chinese medicine, there are therapies that make use of plasma. Western medicine only focus on the healing of physical body, so the effect is limited. - Internet helps people to discern religious and other matters. - The missing Malaysian flight MH370 is now on a certain island in the sea. - German scientists started researching on vehicles for space travel since the beginning of the 20th century. In 1923, they invented the first prototype. - They built the first base on the moon in 1942. After World War II, Nazi have built bases in Antarctica and Argentina. NASA was established as a front-end organisation to cover up the secret space programs. - In 1945, German scientists already had the ability to travel to moon and other planets in the Solar system. - There are lots of accidents or explosion of space rockets and space shuttles, due to the actions of the negative side within NASA. - These people do not want the official space program to progress too quickly. - If there are accidents in the official space program, things need to be stopped for investigations. - They will need to investigate thoroughly before planning for the next step. - The aim of many secret space programs is to go to other planets or asteroids for mining. - Some asteriods are formed of diamond. - The Russian's space program is more positive. - The Light Forces have cleared all the bases of the negative groups. - Their motherships have tachyon membrane, which can avoid detection from traditional technology. - There is a Pleiadian base in Siberia. Putin has met with the Pleiadians. - Ashtar Command has tried different strategies to awake the 99%, who have been suffering heavily from the 1%. - There is a defense ring around the Earth formed by a fleet of spaceships. The second defense ring is called Jupiter Command. - There is a huge Galactic Confederation underground base on Ganymede, which is a central hub for all intelligent positive races working upon the liberation of our Solar system and planet Earth especially. - The length of the motherships in the second defense ring is between 1,000 and 2,000 km. - Central civilization is the most advanced race in the universe. Their motherships can be as long as 5,000 to 10,000 km. - Ganymede has never been influenced by the Archon. - Pleiadian looks like human. - The length of the mothership from Sirius star system is about 500 km. - 70% of living beings in this galaxy is humanoid. - The Light Forces have bases in the underground of the Earth and the moon. It is a completely different world below the ground. - Only a few people know about this. There are lakes in the underground, one of them is so huge that it can provide water supply to the whole Europe. - Below the surface of this planet, Resistance Movement have beautiful architecture, crystals and residential areas. - To go to these bases, people will need to go through sterilization chamber to remove all the bacteria and viruses from the surface. - Everyone is the catalyst of The Event. Everyone is the light of the Earth. We have entered a critical moment of choice. - Humanity needs to make a decision now. From March 2016, we have entered the final stage. - During this period, our lives, the planetary situation and even the whole universe would be affected. - This period will determine the destination of the universe. We are now at the final stage of transforming darkness. - Earth is the last planet to join the galactic network of Light. - Ascended Masters (such as Jesus, Budha and St. Germain) still need to stay in this universe, until we are liberated from the control of the Dark Forces. - Currently there are thousands of motherships staying in the Oort cloud, and waiting for the liberation of this planet. - They are sending positive energy towards the Earth continuously. - We need to understand Free Will and use this power effectively. - If we can do so, nothing is impossible to resolve. - The quarantine of Earth will be removed. - The Dark Forces need to spend trillions of dollars, and on average 1 billion dollars to stop the positive ET races to contact the surface population. - We are now very close to the final breakthrough. - Space tourism has entered a period of renaissance. - There are many bases on moon and Mars which belongs to the positive ET races. - In the near future before The Event, people can see their ships at different places. - Within 10 years, general population can visit other planets. - Base on the current technology, people can travel from Earth to Mars in 15 minutes. - Plans to revive space exploration will open the channel of full communication between positive ET races and humanity. - As a result, the Cabal will lose all of their controls. - Hilary has already been forced to talk about Area 51. Bush is behind all the lies about UFO and ET. - Most of the people is pure and tend to follow the others. - The aim of the Panama paper is to attack President Putin. - As a result, Putin disclose the truth about the Cabal and the Rothschild family. - This attack will only bring us closer to The Event. - Once the Dark Forces have disappeared, The Event will unfold in full. - Everyone within the secret space programs do not know the secret of the Chimera group. - Lightships is emitting lots of positive energies, but not a lot of people can receive them. - In order to use telepathic ability, one needs to train for a number of years. We will learn it if we practise seriously. - Chimera comes from the negative group of the Andromeda galaxy. - They came to Earth in humanoid bodies, in which most of them are fallen angels. - They have physical bodies. After they have been removed, The Event will be fully activated. - Central banks are in panic now. A few of them have adopted negative interest rates because of this. - They are worried that China will release all the gold. - The Cabal will be in big trouble if the gold that China hold exceeds their expectation. - The Cabal do not know the amount of gold that China have. China can cause the financial reset. - After the Event, unconditional love will spread across the planet. Duality will end. People can live a happy life. - Plasma will become a tool for healing all sort of diseases. - All the religious will disappear, because humanity will not be controlled by dogma anymore. - The Cabal planned to use the refugee crisis to transport their mercenaries to Europe to create tension. - To prevent more suffering, the Light Forces continue to monitor refugees entering Europe. - Just before The Event is about to start, many people will have contact with positive ET. - Actually this kind of contact has already started. Channel of telepathic communication has been established. - After The Event, a lot of people will have direct face to face contact with the positive ET. - Ships will be landed on private area around the world, and communicate with general population. - Lots of people who has the ability of telepathic communication will start receiving messages. - In future, ships will also be landed on public area. - There are lots of false information about extra-terrestrial beings on the Internet. However, lots of positive ET also looking forward to The Event. - After The Event, universal love will be part of many people's life. There will not be any more issues. - We need to remember one thing: Positive ET races have difficulties to understand human's method of thinking and current living experience. - On the other hand, a lot of people do think that they cannot adapt to the life on the surface of this planet. - Also, positive ET races believe that it is very difficult for them to get along with human, because they cannot understand why human can act aggressively sometimes. - Dr. Steven Greer has established a detailed protocol for CE-5. - We can use his method to invite ET races to show up and communicate with us. - 2-3 weeks after The Event, a lot of people around the world will appear on TV program to talk about their contact experiences. - Each nation will also form an official interplanetary diplomatic ambassador. - Many Light Forces in the United Nation are working towards the official First Contact. - First contact is an official diplomatic meeting - Since Pleiadians look very much like human, they will be the first positive ET race to land on the surface. - At that time, official diplomatic documents will be signed and diplomatic negotiation will begin. - Beings from Sirius will be landed after a short while. - After another period of time, humanoid beings from Andromeda and other star systems wall also be landed. - Non-humanoid beings will be the last to show up, so that they will not be scared by human. - Human must go through a transitional period after being accepted to join Galactic Confederation. All non-physical planes will be changed significantly. - There will not be any more intervention of the energetic planes of the Earth by the Dark Forces. - Humanity will be able to understand spiritual teaching easily. - Many Ascended Masters will present themselves in the real world. - After the First Contact, they will appear more frequently. - In future, we can use Star Gate to go to the Galactic Central Sun, and enter Creator's heaven eventually. - We will be able to meet lots of beings at the higher plasma plane. - Switzerland has already completed preparation for the First Contact. - Communications with the Light Forces will spread out to the general public eventually. - Our brothers and sisters in the galactic family will be integrated into our daily lives. - Each of the BRICS countries has their own plan for the First Contact. - Many secret caves for holding the Goddess energy will be re-opened. - After we have ascended, we don't need to travel in spacecraft, we can use our own body to travel in the whole universe instead. - After ascension, our body can do superluminal travel. - Teleportation technology will be open for public use. - This kind of technology is very common in the universe. - Replicators can be used to fulfill various physical needs. - Replicators can also produce delicious foods in a short period of time. - Future life will be very much like the advanced society shown in the movie "Elysium". - Although foods produced by replicators may not be absolutely delicious, we can still choose to cook with fresh and organic ingredients. - Free energy device that make use of magnetic field will be released to the public. - Everyone will have chance to travel on a flying car. - People will just need to enter the coordinates of the destination, then the flying car will travel to the destination automatically. - China already has flying car. - Highly advanced music technology will also be released to the public. - Once the Earth has joined the Galactic family, then the Grand Galactic Reunion will also occur. - We are the Light Mandalas. - We are in the positive timeline. - Please use social media and blog wisely to help speeding up the progress towards The Event. - One who use free will effectively is stronger than one million people without free will. - Currently 88% of the general population would accept intervention of ET races, but most people do not believe that it would happen.
- Female's body is a portal to another dimension. Female is a chalice for carrying and nurture of life. - Female can direct lights from different dimensions to their bodies. They are chalice of life, child and love. - Goddess energy and Divine energy have been growing on Earth. - Female is leading humanity to enter a new age. They are now bringing energy of love back to the Earth. - In the new age, human will no longer suffer from self-inflicted life of bitterness. - People need to understand that "We are not the victim of life". - We must say "NO!". Saying "No" is our divine right. - When we make a decision, we must ask ourselves sincerely that "Is this really what we want?" [END OF THE NOTE] Source: